Week 6

Week 6 at CEELI was a change of pace from the busyness of the previous weeks. I typed up summaries for the three Annual Meeting panels. I also continued my research on the use of electronic evidence in African countries. I mostly use published academic papers, which are engaging to read and point me toward additional useful sources.

One of CEELI's integral staff members had her last day, and she brought a picnic to share in the park during lunch. It is great to be part of a close-knit and welcoming team! 

Picnic in the Park

On the weekend, I traveled to Geneva, Switzerland, to visit my friend Laura, who works at a nonprofit there. She is also writing a blog, so make sure you check it out! We had a nice dinner in Old Town on the first night and caught up. It was great to compare our work and travel experiences. Old Town was charming, and the aroma of flowers was everywhere.

The next day, we went to the Patek Philippe Museum, which details the company's history and displays hundreds of watches. It was amazing to see the combination of technology and artistry. Every watch was unique and special in some way: many had personalized inscriptions, portraits, artwork, religious symbols, or were made for a special event or royalty. The displays chronicled trends from different periods and occupations, and all were intricately decorated with jewels, enamel, and metals. They also had a historical collection, where the oldest watch was made around 1530. It was very different from other museums I've been visiting, and definitely a highlight of the summer. 

Strawberry Pendant Watches

On Sunday, we went to the Bains des Paquis, a swimming area off a pier in the center of Geneva. Laura and her co-workers go daily, and it is the perfect place for relaxing and viewing Jet d'Eau. We also stopped by the United Nations headquarters and the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire. Although Geneva is one of the most expensive cities in the world, this was the first free museum I've visited in Europe. Although most signs were in French, I tried to remember my elementary language skills and then used the museum app with English translations. It was a short trip, and I definitely want to go back to experience some of the amazing outdoor activities that Switzerland has to offer, as well as more chocolate! 

Jet d'EauUnited Nations

Aerial View of Geneva