Take III: Call to Action

You may not know, but Indonesia underwent an influential presidential election earlier this year. To date, Indonesia has only had five presidents since emerging as a democracy. Before this, the country endured a 30-year authoritarian regime under Suharto. Consequently, Indonesia is deeply committed to advancing and protecting autonomy within its elective government.

The latest presidential election, however, faced significant challenges. The candidates included Prabowo Subianto, Anies Baswedan, and Ganjar Pranowo. Prabowo secured 59 percent of the votes, confirming him as Indonesia’s next president. While this win has been described as “a resounding victory,” it raises some serious concerns.

Allegations of power exploitation smeared Prabowo’s victory. His strategic alliance with Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the son of outgoing president Joko Widodo, is particularly troubling. Despite being three years under the minimum age requirement for vice president, Gibran was granted an exception at 37. This controversial decision was championed by constitutional court judge Anwar Usman, Gibran’s uncle by marriage. Judge Usman faced accusations of ethics violation, prompting him to step down as chief justice. Despite this, election petitions alleging pre-marked ballots, voter intimidation, and vote-buying were all rejected.

Now, Indonesians are demanding transparency! With a democracy the same age as mine, Indonesia will not allow it to be threatened. The passion and resilience of the Indonesian people are evident as they continue to demand accountability and fairness in their electoral processes.

This deep-seated dedication to democratic principles has prompted Andalas University (UNAND) to ask me to conduct comparative research and lecture on election law. By comparing Indonesian and United States election laws and procedures and exploring instances of election fraud, we can better understand the challenges and advancements in both countries’ democratic systems. I hope to shed light on the current situation in Indonesia and highlight the universal importance of protecting the integrity of elections.

To learn more, please watch the video below:
