Northern Virginia Law School, Inc. v. City of Alexandria

Virginia Circuit Court
14 Va. Cir. 58

Law School filed complaint alleging that City had rendered a parcel of land valueless due to City denying Law School’s request to change the zoning from residential to commercial, and prevented any economic use of the land. Law School further alleged that City had unconstitutionally damaged the property by “inverse temporary condemnation.” Court upheld City’s demurrer as to the denial of rezoning, as Law School had not timely filed the action within the required 60 days. Court denied demurrer as to the inverse condemnation claim and request for damages as the limitations period was of different length.

Summary prepared by Judge Jonathan Apgar, 23rd Judicial Circuit in Virginia, for the William & Mary Property Rights Project, Marshall-Wythe School of Law, William & Mary ©2019.

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