Statistically, there is little significant difference in a cumulative grade point average that extends beyond one decimal point. Therefore, the Law School uses only a rounded gpa as the law cumulative grade point average. The cumulative GPA reported to a third party by either the Law School or you is that which is rounded from the hundredths place to the tenths place.
Examples of rounding: 3.05 rounds to 3.1 3.04 rounds to 3.0 2.99 rounds to 3.0
It is this rounded GPA that is used for rank purposes.
How you are ranked
Class ranks are based on the rounded GPA defined above.
Because it is difficult to obtain meaningful percentage ranks above 3.6, students holding a GPA of 3.6 or higher will be given a numerical rank. All ranks of 3.5 and lower will be a percentage. The majority of the class will receive a percentage rather than individual class rank. In either case, it is conceivable that multiple students will share the same rank.
For students in the J.D. program, your first class rank is at the conclusion of one full year of legal study at William & Mary. Thereafter, you are ranked only at the conclusion of the fall and spring terms (i.e., no re-ranking will occur following a summer term). Transfer students (to include LL.B. to J.D. students) are not ranked until the end of their first full-year of law school with us. Students in the LL.M. program are not ranked.
Your class rank is emailed to your William & Mary email address. We do not print class ranks on either the unofficial or official transcript.
Graduates and, in rare cases, current students may require a statement of class rank. This is obtained through the Law Registrar Office.