John Howell

Class of 2025

Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana
Undergrad: B.A., Rhodes College (Philosophy and Political Economy)
Email: [[w|jwhowell]]

W&M Law Extracurriculars
William & Mary Law Review
Moot Court
Alternative Dispute Resolution Team

Summer 2023 Employment
I interned with Judge John A. Gibney, Jr., at the federal district court in Richmond, Virginia. I drafted memos and opinions, researched illegal issues, and gave recommendations to the law clerks.

Why W&M Law?
I decided to study the law because it felt like the best profession to blend my love of learning and my desire to have an impact on the world. I chose W&M Law because it had such a deep sense of community. When you’re embarking on the great adventure of law school, it’s great to have a strong group of people to experience it with.

How would others describe me?
Enthusiastic, genuine, curious.