Leanna Gibson (she\her\hers)

Class of 2024

Hometown: Easley, South Carolina
Undergrad: B.A., Clemson University (Language and International Business)

W&M Law Extracurriculars
Transactional Law Team (Vice President currently, Vice President of Communications and Competitions, previously)
William & Mary Law Review (Lead Articles Editor)
Women's Law Society
Christian Legal Society

Summer 2023 Employment
I worked as a summer associate at Jones Day in Atlanta, Georgia, during the summer of 2023. It was a typical "Big Law" internship where I was able to practice across a variety of fields of law. I worked closely with attorneys to be brought in on projects that I was interested in. Even bigger than the work component of the internship was the social component. I attended social events (happy hours, scavenger hunts, bike tours) almost every day after work so that I could meet as many attorneys as possible and build relationships with my fellow summer associates.

Why W&M Law?
Honestly, the movie "Legally Blonde" had a heavy influence on my decision to study law. I watched the movie as a kid and decided I wanted to be Elle Woods. Although law school is not quite as it was depicted in "Legally Blonde," I enjoy studying law because I've learned how to be an advocate for myself and others. I chose William & Mary Law because I loved the quaintness of Williamsburg when I visited. I also enjoyed the citizen lawyer culture that makes law school less of a competition and more of a community.

How would others describe me?
Enthusiastic, extroverted, kind