Marshall-Wythe E-News
February 5, 2015
322 Years Young: Charter Day 2015
William & Mary Venture capitalist and former W&M Rector James B. Murray Jr., J.D. '74, LL.D. '00, will speak at the university's 2015 Charter Day ceremony on Friday, Feb. 6. Read more.

Martin "Art" Walsh '66, J.D. '73
, will be among four W&M graduates to be honored with the Alumni Medallion on Saturday, Feb. 7. Read more.

Join Us at Law Alumni Weekend, April 17 & 18
reunion 2014 Come join us on April 17 & 18 for Law Alumni Weekend 2015! The festivities include reunion parties for the Classes of '65, '70, '75, '80, '85, '90, '95, '00, '05 & '10. Learn more.

Video: Professor Christie S. Warren  

Professor Christie Warren Professor Warren discusses how students are learning about international legal systems through summer internships and the vital support that alumni provide for the summer internship program. She is founding director of the Program in Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding. Watch the video.

Video: Adaptive Planning for Flooding and Coastal Change  

 Watch the proceedings of the Dec. 5 Adaptive Planning for Flooding and Coastal Change in Virginia conference, presented by the Virginia Coastal Policy Clinic, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and Virginia Sea Grant. The event provided a forum for the second meeting of the Governor's Climate Change and Resiliency Update Commission.   

Support the Public Service Fund's Annual Auction

The online portion of PSF's Kentucky Derby Auction is now open through 3 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 13. Your participation is an invaluable part of PSF's efforts to provide financial support to students for summer internships and to graduates for loan repayment assistance. You can also show your support by donating items and services for the auction. PSF will additionally host an Alumni Auction before Law Alumni Weekend. Learn more.

Recognizing Citizen Lawyers: Nominations for the W. Taylor Reveley Award 

The William & Mary Law School Association seeks to recognize those alumni who have graduated within the last 10 years who are true citizen lawyers. The W. Taylor Reveley Award is given to a  recent graduate who uses his or her education to make a broad and lasting impact on a local, national or international level. Our younger alumni are doing great things that should be acknowledged! Please nominate a member of the Classes of 2005-2014 who is a true citizen lawyer by March 13, 2015.  Send the name and a brief description of the nominee's accomplishments to Kathy Burger at

National Experts Convene on Feb. 20-21 to Discuss the Future of Plea Bargaining 

Nearly two dozen of the most prominent criminal procedure scholars in the nation will convene here on Feb. 20-21 to discuss the future of plea bargaining. Symposium participants include former federal prosecutors, current and former public defenders, comparative scholars, empiricists, experts on wrongful convictions, scholars at the intersection of criminal law and immigration, and experts on the ramifications of excessive caseloads. Learn more about Plea Bargaining Regulation: The Next Criminal Procedure Frontier.

Election Law Society and Election Law Program Host Feb. 26 Pre-Election Litigation Symposium
The 9th Annual Election Law Symposium will feature nationally prominent election attorneys, voting rights advocates, and a former Texas Solicitor General. Learn more about  Pre-Election Litigation: Judicial Influence Before Election Day.

Upcoming Lectures and Events

Have You Changed Your Work or Home Address?

How Career Services Can Help Alumni & How You Can List Job Openings or Schedule Interviews
Are you looking for a job?  The Office of Career Services gladly assists alumni who are seeking employment or new career opportunities.  Learn more.


Are you hiring?  We'd welcome hearing from you if you'd like to schedule interviews on campus, via Skype or videoconference, or at off-campus interview programs; request resume collection; or list positions to which students and/or alumni can apply. Learn more.


The Marshall-Wythe E-News
The Marshall-Wythe E-News is published by William & Mary Law School, P.O. Box 8795, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795.
Office of Communications

Director: Jaime Welch-Donahue 

Assistant Director: David F. Morrill     



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