Marshall-Wythe E-News - November 20, 2015
Annual BLSA Thanksgiving Basket Competition Helps Local People in Need
In the fun and spirited annual "competition," 1L sections once again vied for top honors in quantity of food collected and artful presentation. Read more.
Faculty News
Clinical Program News
Watch the video and learn more about our recent Virginia Coastal Policy Center conference on the economic realities of climate change, featured EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, Virginia Lt. Governor Ralph Northam and U.S. Congressman Rob Wittman.

Watch our new Puller Veterans Clinic video which tells a moving story of the clinic's impact through the lens of the  case of  a Vietnam-era veteran affected by Agent Orange.

Loan Repayment Assistance Program (Deadline: January 19)
The Law School's Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) assists graduates, beginning with the Class of 2004, who work full-time for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, legal aid offices, prosecutors, public defenders, government agencies, JAG Corps, and legislative offices.  Some organizations outside the U.S. also qualify.  Click here for details, instructions for accessing the LRAP application, and information about other loan repayment programs. Deadline to apply is January 19, 2016, at 5 pm EST.
Help Support Our Students Through the Public Service Fund
psf fellowships
Through their fundraising efforts, our students' Public Service Fund (PSF) raised more than $42,000 to support summer 2015 public service fellowships.  Read what fellowship recipients had to say about their experiences.  If you'd like to help,  please visit the PSF website to learn how to make a gift or contribute an item to PSF's annual auction.
Law School Dedicates George Wythe Room
Recreating the personal library of George Wythe, the nation's (and W&M's) first law professor and eighteenth-century statesman and jurist, is no easy task.   Read more about the Wolf Law Library's new Wythe Room and visit the library's website devoted to all things Wythe: Wythepedia.
For the Bold: The Campaign for W&M
Learn more about our goal of raising $75 million for the Law School during our For the Bold campaign.  We appreciate your support and hope you will  make a gift today.
Faculty Experts
Prof. Jeffrey Bellin, Amendment to Va. evidence Rule 2:408, Prof. Neal Devins, "Congress and the Executive Branch," C-SPAN &
On the Casey Standard,
Prof. Eric Kades: "Why the Flat Tax Is More Popular Than Ever,"
Prof. Patricia Roberts, "Veterans Just Want Fair Benefits,"
Jan. 22: Fourth Annual Leadership Conference, featuring ABA President-Elect Linda A. Klein

Law alumnae participants include

Margaret N. Strand '76
Hon. Eileen A. Olds '82
Anne C. Foster '86
Judith Allison Lee '87
Hon. Susan D. Wigenton '87
Rev. Virginia Gerbasi '89
Elizabeth Besio Hardin '89
Beth Kurowski Bunnell '93
Tammy Moss Finley '93
Marshall B. Barton '94
Karen C. Bifferato '94
Hon. Carla N. Archie '95
Elizabeth P. Bruns '95
Toni A. Friess Millner '95 
Monica K. Thurmond '96
Audra A. Dial '98
Robin Dusek '98
Amy Lamoureux Riella '02
Joy Bryant '03
Andrea L. D'Ambra '03
Megan Bisk '06
Elizabeth Pannill Fletcher '06

April 15-16: Law Alumni Weekend 2016

How Career Services Can Help Alumni & How You Can List Openings or Schedule Interviews
Are you looking for a job? The Office of Career Services gladly assists alumni who are seeking employment or new career opportunities.  Learn more.
Are you hiring? We'd welcome hearing from you if you'd like to schedule interviews on campus, via Skype or videoconference, or at off-campus interview programs; request resume collection; or list positions to which students and/or alumni can apply.  Learn more.
Have You Changed Jobs or Moved?
We want to stay in touch. Please let us know at when you change your address or employer, or when you have news to share with your classmates.

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