Marshall-Wythe E-News  
April 2018  
Class of 2017 Securing Jobs Across the Legal Spectrum

The Class of 2017 is securing jobs in everything from Big Law to judicial clerkships to government and public service.

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Law School Ranks #30 on's Go-To Law Schools Report ranks the 50 schools that sent the highest percentages of their 2017 graduates into jobs at the nation's 100 largest law firms.

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William & Mary Cyber Conference Examines Digital Data at Risk

W&M's Law and Business schools recently teamed up to hold a two-day conference with alumni and other experts who represent the cutting edge of thought and action in the field of cyber security.

Faculty Honors Professor Roberta Romano with Marshall-Wythe Medallion

Professor Roberta Romano of Yale Law School received the 2017-2018 Marshall-Wythe Medallion at a dinner in her honor on March 15 held at William & Mary's historic Wren Building.

White House Counsel discusses parameters of job during Law School visit

White House Counsel Don McGahn visited the Law School on Friday, March 23, to give a talk to first-year constitutional law students.

Note by Matt Rosendahl J.D. '18 Selected for Burton Legal Writing Award

Third-year Law Student Matt Rosendahl has won a Burton Legal Writing Award for his William & Mary Law Review note. This is the 19th year of Burton Legal Writing Awards. A William & Mary law student has received one of these awards on 10 occasions.

Memorial Gifts to Honor Dean Lizbeth A.S Jackson

Gifts in Dean Jackson's memory may be made to fund a lighted flagpole and patio area to be located outside the entrance to the Hixon Center.

Office Hours Podcasts

"Let's Talk About Emoluments" with Professor Tara Leigh Grove - Professor Grove breaks down the pending emoluments clause litigation, cautions against an increasing reliance on courts to address political problems, and passes a quiz that tests her knowledge of Disney characters.

SoundCloud       iTunes

"Just the Facts" with Professor Allison Orr Larsen
- Professor Larsen talks about her research into the use of "alternative facts" in Supreme Court opinions (and beyond), the constitutional obstacles to investigating a sitting President, and her surprising career path.

SoundCloud       iTunes 

"Does Your Vote Really Count?" with Professor Rebecca Green
- Professor Green discusses current election law controversies, including how legislators draw and redraw voter districts to ensure re-election and what to expect in two pending Supreme Court cases challenging the practice.

SoundCloud     iTunes

Alumni,  Please help us promote the Law School's podcast by becoming a listener and sharing it on social media.  If you have a personal Soundcloud page, please like and share our posts! 
Faculty in the News   

Robert Barnes of the Washington Post quoted Professor Allison Orr Larsen in a story titled "Supreme Court Rule: (Other) Justices Shouldn't Conduct Independent Research." Read the story.

The ABA Journal quoted Professor Tara Leigh Grove in a story titled "The Executive Branch Pushes the Boundaries of the Separation of Powers." Read the story.

The Florida Times-Union quoted Professor Adam Gershowitz in a story titled "Four Death Sentences In, How Does Melissa Nelson's New Death Penalty Process Hold Up?" Read the story. 
April 7: 14th Annual Ali's 5K Run/Walk in memory of Ali Kaplan

April 7: Volunteer training for Name and Gender Marker Clinic

April 10: One Tribe One Day

April 10: U.S. Gun Policy, A Global Perspective 

April 12: Professor Geoffrey Stone, Dunn Civil Liberties Project Guest Lecture

April 12Election Law Program: Election Data Security War Game

April 13 & 14: Alumni Weekend, Reunion Dinners, and more!

April 15: PELE Special Education Advocacy Clinic co-hosts screening of "Life, Animated"

Save the Dates! June 6 & 7: Law Alumni Receptions DC & NOVA

Visit our calendar
Moved to a new firm or position recently? Have news about a milestone in your life that you'd like to share? Let us know what you are doing so we can pass the good news along to your friends and fellow alumni!
How Career Services Can Help Alumni & How You Can List Openings or Schedule Interviews

Are you hiring? We'd welcome hearing from you if you'd like to schedule interviews on campus, via Skype or videoconference, or at off-campus interview programs; request resume collection; or list positions to which students and/or alumni can apply. Read more 

Are you looking for a job? The Office of Career Services gladly assists alumni who are seeking employment or new career opportunities. Read more
William & Mary Law School | 
Published by the Office of Communications