Marshall-Wythe E-News
February 2018 
Free Speech Interactive Panel
Campus Events Promote Conversation About Free Speech

At an interactive forum at the Sadler Center on January 25, students, faculty, and staff joined in a conversation about free speech on public college and university campuses. William & Mary then concluded the series of discussions on free speech with a day-long symposium on the First Amendment, hosted at the Law School and co-sponsored by the ACLU of Virginia. Read more.  
Listen to the Inaugural Episode of "Office Hours": "What's Up With Bitcoin?"

Listen to the inaugural episode of our new podcast, co-hosted by 3L Michaela Lieberman and Professor Jeffrey Bellin. "Office Hours" will feature light but substantive conversations with prominent experts from our faculty as well as other notable contributors.

Episode 1 (Feb. 6):  What's the Deal With Bitcoin? Guest: Professor Eric Chason. Episode 2 (Feb. 13) Health Law on Life Support?" Guest: Professor Stacy Kern-Scheerer

Listen on SoundCloud  Listen on iTunes
Watch It: 1L Paul Rowley on Law and Tribe Basketball

Paul is a first-year law student and a team captain of the Tribe basketball team. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of William & Mary, he earned a double degree in finance and computer science in three years. The Colonial Athletic Association recently featured Paul in its #CAAHoops in Focus video series.   Watch it
Clinics & Programs

Appellate and Supreme Court Clinic: On January 12, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a published opinion in Peña v. City of Rio Grande City, Texas, in favor of appellant and Clinic client Maria Peña. Read more

LL.M. Program: Through introductory and advanced Lawyering Skills courses, LL.M. students learn how to balance the demands of legal professionalism with the need to connect with clients and to communicate effectively. Read more
New Faculty Books & Research

The University of Chicago Press recently published Professor Peter Alces' new book titled  "The Moral Conflict of Law and Neuroscience."    Read more
He explains in a Q&A why he thinks neuroscience can transform the law. Read more

Professor Jeffrey Bellin recently joined the ranks of "Wright & Miller" with a new volume on federal hearsay rules. Read more

An Insight Grant will support research by Professor Evan J. Criddle and Professor Evan Fox-Decent of McGill on the cosmopolitan justice of international law. Read more
William _ Mary_ Wren building
William & Mary, President Taylor Reveley Receive Congressional Recognition

The U.S. Congress paid respect to the Alma Mater of the Nation and its 27th president as the university recently prepared to celebrate its 325th birthday. Read more.
Follow W_M_Law on Instagram

Follow W_M_Law to see what our students, professors, and alumni are up to in Williamsburg and the world beyond. Tag us or use #wmlaw, #wmlawalumni or #lifeatwmlaw to see your pics here!
Faculty in the News

Professor Jeffrey Bellin published an essay titled "Waiting for Justice: How One Man's Seven-Year Wait for a Trial Reveals the Ways Mandatory Minimums Distort Our Courts." Slate

Professor Neal Devins was quoted in cover story, "A Shift in the Balance of Power." CQ Magazine (requires subscription)

The Associated Press, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal were among the outlets that turned to Professor Rebecca Green for comment about the contested House District 94 election in Virginia. Read more

Professor Vivian Hamilton's research was cited in article, "Florida Woman Forced to Marry Her Rapist at Age 11 Fights to Change the Law." Inside Edition

Byrd v. United States: Justice Neil Gorsuch mentioned an article co-authored by Professor James Stern at oral argument on January 10 ( see page 24 of transcript) in a case concerning the privacy rights of non-authorized drivers of rental cars stopped by police.

Professor Timothy Zick was quoted about news concerning the Virginia General Assembly, "Concerns Rise over Price's Domestic Terrorism Bill." Daily Press
Join Us! Click the dates for more information or for details about registration (if required)

February 13: Inclusive Standard Setting in Humanitarian Action

February 19: "Recent Developments in Southeast Asian Antitrust Issues": Lecture by Professor Mel Marquis, EUI

February 19: Inaugural Marshall-Wythe Lecture in Legal History: Professor William E. Nelson, NYU

February 21: Lecture by Professor Jonathan H. Adler, Case Western Reserve University School of Law

February 22: Annual BLSA Symposium, Health Access and Outcomes for Minority Populations, held in conjunction with African-American Law Alumni Weekend on Feb. 23 & 24

February 23 : Law Revue, "A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant, and a Prayer"

February 23 & 24: African-American Law Alumni Weekend

February 23 & 24: Law Review Symposium: Antitrust & the Constitutional Order (sponsored by the Institute of Bill of Rights Law and the Center for the Study of Law and Markets)

March 16 & 17: Another Day at the Breach: Cyber Intrusian-A Conference of Experts
  April 13 & 14: Alumni Weekend

And save the dates for these upcoming law alumni receptions:
March 29 , Southside Hampton Roads; June 6 & 7, D.C. and NOVA

Visit our events calendar 
Class Notes  

Moved to a new firm or position recently? Have news about a milestone in your life that you'd like to share? Let us know what you are doing so we can pass the good news along to your friends and fellow alumni!  Class Notes
How Career Services Can Help Alumni & How You Can List Openings or Schedule Interviews 

Are you hiring? We'd welcome hearing from you if you'd like to schedule interviews on campus, via Skype or videoconference, or at off-campus interview programs; request resume collection; or list positions to which students and/or alumni can apply. Read More

Are you looking for a job? The Office of Career Services gladly assists alumni who are seeking employment or new career opportunities.  Read more
William & Mary Law School | 
Published by the Office of Communications