Borrowing Privileges

The Law School Community

  • Faculty - Law School faculty may borrow circulating books and journals for one year, with renewals. Reference and other non-circulating materials are charged for 30 days, and reserve items for one week. A courier service provides for delivering and and returning materials from other William & Mary Libraries.
  • Students - Law students may borrow circulating books for 30 days. Reserve items are usually loaned for four hours, depending upon material type. Courier service from other libraries provided.
  • Staff - Law school and library staff may borrow circulating books for 30 days. Reserve items are usually loaned for four hours, depending upon material type. Courier service from other libraries provided.

The William & Mary Community

  • Faculty - College faculty may check out circulating books for four months. Reserve items are usually charged for four hours, depending on material type.
  • Students - Undergraduate and graduate students of the College may charge circulating books for 30 days. Reserve items are usually loaned for four hours.
  • Staff - College staff may borrow circulating books for 30 days. Reserve items are loaned for four hours.
  • Alumni - Law school and other William & Mary alumni may obtain a law library borrower's card for $5.00. Circulating books check out for 30 days.

The Virginia Bench and Bar

  • Attorneys and Judges in Virginia - Active members of the Virginia Bar are invited to purchase a library card for $5.00. With this card, patrons may charge circulating books for 30 days. Reserve items are charged for four hours. In addition, Document Delivery Services are available for patrons interested in obtaining copies from materials owned by the library. Copies are sent via fax or U.S. mail, with a bill for the copies mailed later.

Residents of Williamsburg, James City County, and York County

  • Residents - Williamsburg, James City County and York County residents are invited to purchase a library borrower's card for $5.00. With this card, patrons may charge circulating books for 30 days. Reserve items are charged for four hours.

The General Public

  • Members of the general public are welcome to use library materials within the library, including depository materials received from the federal government. Patrons wishing to borrow a circulating book should contact the interlibrary loan department of their public library. Any questions about borrowing privileges may be directed to the circulation staff.