Food & Drug Law Research

Updated by Michael Umberger
August 2021

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Some resources on this page are subscription databases that require a W&M ID and password for off-campus access.  

Bloomberg Law, Lexis, and Westlaw require individual IDs and passwords for both off-campus and on-campus access.

Introductory Sources

  •  Agricultural Law in a Nutshell (2017)
    KF1682 .Z9 P43 2017 (Reserve) 
    West Academic
  • The Law (in Plain English) for Restaurants and Others in the Food Industry (2006)  
    KF2042 .H6 D83 2006 (Self-Help & Stacks)
  • Marijuana Law in a Nutshell (2017)
    KF3891 .M2 O83 2017 (Reserve)
    West Academic
  • A Practical Guide to FDA's Food and Drug Law and Regulation (5th ed. 2014)
    KF1900 .Z9 P73 2014 (Reserve)
  • Prescription Drugs (2005) 
    KF3885 .J37 2005 (Self-Help)

Library Materials

Library Catalog

To search for books, journals, and audiovisual materials held by William & Mary libraries, use the online catalog.

The following are useful subject headings for this topic:

  • Cosmetics--Law and legislation
  • Drugs--Law and legislation
  • Drugs--Testing
  • Drug courts
  • Food--Labelling--Law and legislation
  • Food--Standards
  • Food--Safety measures
  • Food additives--Law and legislation
  • Food law and legislation--United States
  • United States--Food and Drug Administration

You can also search for materials from a jurisdiction by adding the location to a keyword search (e.g., virginia food law).

To search for materials from other libraries, use the Worldcat database.

Browsing the Collection

You can also find food and drug law resources by browsing the shelves around the Library of Congress call number KF3871. Materials related to the food service regulation and the hospitality industry can be found around call number KF2042. Additionally, pharmacy regulation materials can be found at KF2915.


The following treatises on food and drug regulation can be found in the library at the call number listed and, when available online, in subscription databases:

  • Richard R. Abood & Kimberly A. Burns, Pharmacy Practice and the Law (8th ed. 2017)
    KF2915 .P4 A93 2017
  • Stephen Barth, Hospitality Law: Managing Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry (3rd ed. 2009) 
    KF2042 .H6 H67 2009
  • Patricia A. Curtis, Guide to Food Laws and Regulations (2d ed. 2013) 
    ProQuest Ebook Central
  • Food and Drug Dictionary: Official Regulatory Terms 
    KF3867.5 .G68 2003
  • The Future Control of Food: A Guide to International Negotiations and Rules on Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Food Security (Geoff Tansey & Tasmin Rajotte eds., 2008) 
    K3926 .F88 2008
    ProQuest Ebook Central
  • Neal D. Fontin, Food Regulation: Law, Science, Policy, and Practice (2017) 
    KF3875 .F67 2017
    ProQuest Ebook Central
  • Delbert D. Konnor, Pharmacy Law Desk Reference (2007) 
    KF2915 .P4 P533 2007
  • James O'Reilly & Katharine A. Van Tassel, Food and Drug Administration (4th ed 2014) 
    KF3871 .F67
  • Michael T. Roberts, Food Law in the United States (2016)
    KF3875 .R63 2016
  • Shashank Upadhye, Generic Pharmaceutical Patent & FDA Law (2010)

Administrative Agency Materials

Administrative materials related to food and drug law, especially those produced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are widely available on government and commercial websites:


Periodical Indexes 
Contains detailed indexing for over 1,200 legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statutes, bar association and university publications. Includes full text for over 400 journals.
Coverage: 1908 - present.


  • Drug laws
  • Food drug & cosmetic law & legislation
  • Food labeling
  • Food laws

Selected Food and Drug Law Journals

Other Resources

FDA News
Provides regulatory, legislative and business information regarding industries regulated by the FDA. Offers several newsletters on different aspects of regulation.

Food and Drug Administration
This is the official site of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Food and Drug Law Institute
FDLI is a non-profit organization that aims to offer a neutral forum for discussion of food and drug law and public policy. Its website offers information about FDLI, a guide to food, drug and medical acronyms, and free daily news briefings via email.

Food Insight
Food Insight is the information hub created and curated by nutrition and food safety experts at the International Food Information Council (IFIC). Its webite includes fact sheets, a newsletter, and surveys.

Institute of Food Technologists
The Institute's website offers news, reports, and full-text periodicals. 

North American Meat Institute
NAMI (or the Meat Institute) is a trade association representing companies that process meat and their suppliers. Its website includes news, fact sheets, charts, and information on regulations and legislation.

Pharmaceutical & Life Sciences News (Bloomberg Law)
Bloomberg Law's channel for legal news on topics like drug pricing, medical research, and pharmaceuticals.   

William & Mary Libraries
Maintains a list of non-law Health Sciences & Public Health subscription databases that require a William & Mary ID and password.