Local Government Law Research

Updated by Michael Umberger
September 2021

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Some resources on this page are subscription databases that require a W&M ID and password for off-campus access.

Bloomberg, Lexis, and Westlaw require individual IDs and passwords for both off-campus and on-campus access.

Introductory Sources

  • Local Government Law in a Nutshell (5th ed. 2003)
    KF5300 .Z9 M3 2003 (Reserve)
    West Academic
  • Local Government Law (Hornbook) (5th ed. 2019)
    KF5300 .R49 2019 (Reserve)
    West Academic
  • Understanding Local Government (2d ed. 2009)
    KF5300 .S74 2009 (Reserve)

Library Materials

Library Catalog

To search for books, journals, and audiovisual materials held by William & Mary libraries, use the online catalog.

The following are useful subject headings for this topic:

  • Local government
  • Municipal corporations

You can also search for materials from a jurisdiction by adding the location to a keyword search (e.g., virginia local government). 

To search for materials from other libraries, use the Worldcat database.

Browsing the Collection:

You can also find local government law resources by browsing the shelves within the Library of Congress call number range KF 5300 to KF 5332


The following selected treatises on local government law can be found in the library at the call number listed or on Westlaw or Lexis:

  • Susan Warner Custer, Handbook of Virginia Local Government Law
    KFV2830 .H362 2001 (Virginia Collection)
  • Vincent R. Fontana, Municipal Liability Law & Practice (4th ed.)
  • John Martinez, Local Government Law 
    KF5300 .S26 2012
  • Eugene McQuillin, The Law of Municipal Corporations (3d ed.)
    KF5305 .M33 
  • Sandra M. Stevenson, Antieau on Local Government Law (2d ed. 2019)


City and county codes nationwide are available in the following sources: 

While the Library of Congress call number for city ordinance services is KFX, the Library subscribes to a number of Virginia City and County Code compilations and shelves them on the first floor in the Virginia Collection: 


Periodical Indexes 
Legal Source
Contains detailed indexing for over 1,200 legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statutes, bar association and university publications. Includes full text for over 400 journals.
Coverage: 1908 - present.


  • Cities & towns
  • Local government
  • Local laws
  • Municipal government
Selected Local Government Law Journals:

Other Resources

Local Government Websites

Planning, development, budget, public records, meeting agendas and dates, etc. can be found on many localities' websites.

  • Virginia.gov > Local Government

    The Local Government tab provides links to Virginia cities, counties, and communities on the Internet, and includes legislative information, information technology resources, state government Internet addresses.

  • The Institute of Government Information at the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service
    The University of Virginia's Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service is a research and training organization focused on Virginia. The Center's mission is "to deliver public impact research and multi-sector leadership development to build the capacity of Virginia’s communities, organizations, and institutions to serve the Commonwealth. Our vision is good governance, equity, and resilience in every Virginia community."

Directories and Reference Materials

  • Municipal Yellow Book: Who's Who in the Leading City and County Government and Local Authorities 
    JS39 .M79 2021 Winter (Reference/Magazines and Newspapers)
    Names, addresses and phone numbers for the primary elected and appointed officials in 100 major United States cities and counties. 
  • ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States (Current edition available through ProQuest)
    Includes local government statistics. 


Local Government Attorneys of Virginia, Inc.
9 South 12th Street | 2nd Floor
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 643-4433

National Civic League
190 E. 9th Avenue, Suite 200
Denver, CO 80203

(303) 571-4343

International Municipal Lawyers' Association
51 Monroe Street, Suite 404
Rockville, MD 20850
(202) 466-5424 

National League of Cities
660 North Capitol Street, NW
Suite 450
Washington, DC 20001
202-626-3000 | 1-877-827-2385

Virginia Association of Counties
1207 East Main Street, Suite 300
Richmond, Va. 23219-3627
(804) 788-6652

Virginia Chamber of Commerce
919 East Main Street, Suite 900
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 644-1607

Virginia Institute of Government
11 South 12th Street, Suite 225
Richmond, Virginia 23219-4035
(804) 371-0202

Virginia Local Government Management Association (VLGMA)
Janet Areson
VLGMA Executive Secretary at the Virginia Municipal League
(804) 649-8471

Virginia Municipal League
P.O. Box 12164, Richmond, VA 23241
13 East Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219