Intellectual Property Law Research

November 2023
Updated by Paul Hellyer

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Introductory Sources

(Selected sources providing a quick overview)

Copyright Law in a Nutshell (4th ed.  2022)  
West Academic

Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition in a Nutshell (7th ed. 2013)
KF1610 .M35 2013 (RESERVE)  West Academic

Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyright in a Nutshell (7th ed. 2023)
KF2980 .M52 2018 (RESERVE)  West Academic

Patent Law in a Nutshell (4th ed. 2023)
KF3114 .A34 2018 (RESERVE)  West Academic

Principles of Intellectual Property (3rd ed. 2017)
KF2979 .M94 2017 (RESERVE)  West Academic

Trade Secret Law in a Nutshell (2nd ed. 2018)
KF3197 .S26 (2018) (RESERVE)  West Academic

Trademark and Unfair Competition Law in a Nutshell (3rd ed. 2021)  West Academic

Understanding Patent Law (3rd ed. 2018)
KF3114 .L36 2018 (RESERVE)  LexisNexis Digital Library

Library Materials

Library Catalog

To search for books, journals, and audiovisual materials held by William & Mary libraries, use the online catalog.

Subject Queries:

  • competition, unfair
  • copyright
  • intellectual property
  • patent laws and legislation
  • trade secrets
  • trademarks

To search for materials from other libraries, use the Worldcat database.

Shelf Browsing
To browse the library's shelves for books on intellectual property law, look in or around call numbers 

Primary Sources

(Selected sources only)

U.S. Code

Copyright: Title 17

Patents: Title 35

Trademarks: Title 15, § 1051 et seq.

Case Law

Copyright Law Cases (Lexis)

Intellectual Property Cases (Westlaw)

Patent Law Cases (Lexis)

Trademark Law Cases (Lexis)

United States Patents Quarterly (Bloomberg Law)

Administrative Law & Agency Materials

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 37 (Patents, Trademarks & Copyrights)  Westlaw / e-CFR

Copyright Law Administrative Materials (Lexis)

Patent Trial and Appeal Board Decisions  Westlaw / Lexis / USPTO website

Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Decisions  Westlaw / Lexis / USPTO website


(Selected sources only)

Howard B. Abrams, Law of Copyright (2010 & annual update)  Westlaw

Malla Pollack, Callmann on Unfair Competition, Trademarks, and Monopolies (4th ed. 2016 & annual update)
KF1609 .C332 (2nd Floor)  Westlaw

Donald S. Chisum, Chisum on Patents (1977 & quarterly update)
KF3110 .C4 (2nd Floor)  Lexis

Jay Dratler, Jr., Licensing of Intellectual Property (1994 & semiannual update)
KF3145 .D73 1994 (2nd Floor)  Lexis

Paul Goldstein, Goldstein on Copyright (3rd ed. 2005 & annual update)  WestlawVitalLaw

Anne Gilson Lalonde, Gilson on Trademarks (rev. ed. 2007 & triannual update)  Lexis  

J. Thomas McCarthy, McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition (5th ed. 2017)
KF3180 .M29 2017 (2nd Floor)  Westlaw

Roger M. Milgrim, Milgrim on Licensing (2013 & annual update)  Lexis

Roger M. Milgrim, Milgrim on Trade Secrets (1967 & annual update)  Lexis

Carl Moy, Moy's Walker on Patents (4th ed. 2003 & 2020 update)
KF3114 .L5 2003 (2nd Floor)  Westlaw

David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright (1963 & semiannual update)
KF2994 .N5 (2nd Floor)  Lexis

William Patry, Patry on Copyright (2006 & semiannual update)
KF2991.5 .P382 2006 (2nd Floor)  Westlaw

William Patry, Patry on Fair Use (2009 & annual update)  Westlaw


Legal Source
Contains detailed indexing for over 1,200 legal journals, law reviews, yearbooks, institutes, statutes, bar association and university publications. Includes full text for over 400 journals. Coverage: 1908 - present.

Subject Queries:

  • copyright
  • fair use (copyright)
  • intellectual property
  • patents
  • trade secrets
  • trademarks

Selected Periodicals on Intellectual Property Law

AIPLA Quarterly Journal  LexisWestlaw / HeinOnline

Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property  Lexis / Westlaw / HeinOnline

Fordham Intellectual Property, Media, and Entertainment Law Journal  LexisWestlaw / HeinOnline

International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law  Westlaw

Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A.  LexisWestlaw / HeinOnline

Journal of Intellectual Property Law  LexisWestlaw / HeinOnline

Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society  LexisWestlaw / HeinOnline

NYU Journal of Intellectual Property & Entertainment Law  Lexis / Westlaw / HeinOnline

Trademark Reporter  LexisWestlaw / HeinOnline

Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal  LexisWestlaw / HeinOnline

Free Websites

American Intellectual Property Association (AIPLA)

AIPLA is a professional association of more than 10,000 attorneys specializing in the practice of intellectual property law. AIPLA was formed to assist in improving the laws relating to intellectual property, including the study of, and comments on, amendments to the relevant laws protecting such property rights.

Copyright and Fair Use (Stanford University)

This site is sponsored by the Stanford University Libraries, the Council of Library Resources, and FindLaw Internet Legal Resources. Abundant information, including current and proposed legislation and regulations, court decisions, treaties and conventions, and links to other intellectual property sites.

The Copyright Society of the USA
The Society is a center of the American copyright community for the bar, for industry, and for law schools. Its primary function is to gather, disseminate, and exchange information on the protection and use of rights in intellectual property.

Creative Commons
Creative Commons is a non-profit corporation committed to sharing scientific, creative, and other intellectual works with the general public.

U.S. Copyright Office
The Copyright Office is part of the Library of Congress and has responsibility for registering copyrights. You can use their website to search copyright registration records, view statutory and regulatory sources, and access guides to copyright law.

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
The Patent and Trademark Office is a bureau within the Department of Commerce. Its primary services are processing patent and trademarks, and disseminating patent and trademark information.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
WIPO administers the Berne Convention and other important multilateral copyright treaties. On their website, you can see the text and status of copyright treaties and find copyright information for different countries.