Document Delivery Services
The Wolf Law Library offers document delivery services to members of the W&M community, other libraries, private individuals, and commercial organizations. With rare exceptions, all photocopies are provided electronically in PDF format. Digital copies are emailed within 2 days of a request, usually sooner. If a print copy is required, it will be shipped First Class mail.
Our preferred delivery method to other libraries is Odyssey, but we will also email scanned photocopies.
Contact Information
Please direct inquiries to Schedule for Document Delivery
Document delivery is provided for individuals and organizations outside of the W&M Law community at the following rates:
A. Non-Law W&M Faculty
$1.00 per citation plus:
- $0.10 per page from books or journals
- $0.25 per page from microforms
B. Commercial Organizations and Private Individuals
These fees apply to private individuals, law firms, and other commercial organizations. Such requests are considered on a case-by-case basis, and the accompanying fees will be agreed upon prior to the request being processed.
Minimum charge for photocopies:
$10.00 per citation plus:
- $0.15 per page for books or journals
- $0.30 per page from microforms