William & Mary Law School Unveils New Admissions Suite
“We feel that it is a much better environment for receiving guests and visitors to the Law School,” said Associate Dean for Admission Faye Shealy. “There are only pluses in terms of the initial impression.”
A spacious receiving area allows applicants more privacy than waiting in the Law School lobby, and the large windows and professional ambiance offer a positive first impression of the school. The expectation is that this will help William & Mary stand out in visitors’ minds, hopefully having a favorable impact on the next round of prospective students and ultimately the incoming class.
![Admissions Sign](../images/admission sign for story.jpg)
The admission staff also greatly benefit from the new space. The deans’ offices are now located closer together, increasing efficiency and better fostering communication among team members. Additionally, there is ample storage space for the thousands of files that the office maintains. The admission team is responsible for the approximately 5,000 applications it receives each year, and also retains roughly 5,000 files from previous years, in order to facilitate re-applications.
Despite all these improvements, some things in admission will remain unchanged. “More important than the facilities are the people,” Shealy noted. “The warmth of the greeting that visitors to William & Mary receive from our students and staff members won’t be any different. We do not believe that the office trumps the personal attention and friendliness that our applicants receive.”