Global Justice in Action: William & Mary Law School Sends Interns Around the World

internships.pngThis summer, William & Mary Law School is dispatching a cohort of highly trained law students who will embark on a journey to engage in Rule of Law and peacekeeping projects across the globe. Equipped with a comprehensive understanding of comparative legal strategies, these students are poised to make significant contributions in countries facing post-conflict reconstruction, democratic transitions, and legal reform.

The program, overseen by the Law School’s Center for Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, aims to bridge the gap between academic resources and on-the-ground needs in regions where the Rule of Law is under strain. Recognizing the importance of local context, the interns will work within diverse legal systems, including civil code, common law, Islamic, Asian, customary, and indigenous systems, to develop tailored strategies for sustainable peacebuilding efforts.

The interns' destinations span the globe, reflecting the program's commitment to addressing pressing global challenges. From Switzerland to South Africa, the Netherlands to India, China to Argentina, Kosovo to the Czech Republic, Cambodia to Indonesia, these law students will immerse themselves in a wide array of legal contexts, contributing their talents and skills to advance justice and human rights.

Throughout the summer, the interns will document their experiences through blogging and social media, providing insights into their work and the communities they serve. Their stories will shed light on the complexities of international law and the importance of collaborative efforts in fostering peace and stability.

William & Mary Law School takes pride in preparing its graduates for careers in public service, whether in international organizations like the United Nations, governmental agencies such as the U.S. Departments of State and Commerce, or private sector firms committed to global justice. 

The summer internship program exemplifies William & Mary Law School’s dedication to nurturing the next generation of legal professionals equipped to address the challenges of an interconnected world.