Register for Classes


Rules governing registration:

  • During priority registration, you may register for ONLY one seminar*.  If space is available during the schedule adjustment period you may register for a second.  Students who disregard this rule will be disenrolled from all but one seminar the day following their priority registration period. *This rule does not include 1-credit mini-courses as a seminar.

  • During priority registration, you may register for ONLY one clinic.  If space is available during the schedule adjustment period you may register for a second. Students who disregard this rule will be disenrolled from all but one clinic the day following their priority registration period.

  • All second-year students will register for Law 140 - Advanced Writing & Practice or a qualifying seminar course in which you write one or more papers totaling at least 20 pages in length and is designated as meeting the Law Writing Requirement (attribute LWWR), or by completing an independent Writing course (LAW 706) in which you produce a paper of at least 30 pages.

  • All students must register for a section of legal ethics (Law 115 - Professional Responsibility or Law 117 - The Legal Profession).  Legal ethics is a graduation requirement and is required for Third-Year Practice so students may wish to take it as a 2L to enable them to try court cases in the summer prior to the 3L year or during the 3L year (evidence is also required).

  • You must earn a minimum of 10 credit hours in the semester and must earn a minimum of 20 credit hours in an academic year. 

  • You may not register for more than 17 credit hours in a term.  The total credit hours for registration (17 max) include both registered courses and waitlisted courses. Students who disregard this rule will be disenrolled from WL courses until their total reaches 17 max (including both registered courses and waitlist courses).  This will occur the day following their priority registration period.

  • You may not register for overlapping courses (courses that meet at the same time or overlap for any length of time) unless they comply with the Course Overlap Rule (see below).

  • When wanting to waitlist a course, you must affirmatively select to do so from the drop-down menu for that course.

  • You may not drop a course once add/drop has ended.

Registration Topics: