JD Academic Concentrations

Concentrations indicate focused coursework and experiential learning or independent research in a particular area of study beyond the required curriculum. Students pursuing a concentration register for courses in the same manner as other students and do not receive priority registration in a course.

Accordingly, students are encouraged to consider in a timely manner course selection and plans for fulfilling concentration requirements and to prioritize concentration courses in their registration process.

Students may pursue a maximum of two concentrations and must complete the requirements for each independently and may not count a single course or experience as satisfying two concentrations.

Students may use a single course to satisfy both the Law School’s six-credit experiential learning requirement and the experiential course option in Group C of a concentration. Students may use a single course to satisfy the upper-level writing requirement and a concentration requirement.

Students may elect the third-year student P/F grade conversion option for a graded course that meets a concentration requirement.

Each concentration requires successful completion of (1) two or more foundational courses, (2) three or more approved courses, and (3) an independent research paper or an experiential course; see specific course requirements using the drop-down for each concentration below.

DegreeWorks provides students a customized tool that integrates with the online course catalog, providing students with dynamic information based on previous, current, and planned course credit and will assist in determining if selections will fulfill the various concentration group requirements. To access DegreeWorks login to your MyBanner page, under "Student" and then "Student Records" you will see DegreeWorks. 

To determine whether your selections will fulfill various concentration group requirements use the "What If" function in DegreeWorks. The What-If function allows you to review the impact to your curriculum if you choose to add a concentration to your JD. The What-If audit will show you what coursework is required for a concentration, what courses you have taken that satisfy requirements, and what courses are still left for you to take.


  1. If you use the What-If feature, does it mean that you have added a concentration to your JD? No. The What-If function is for information purposes only. You will see the header What-If Audit displayed at the top of the audit whenever an audit is run on a What-If scenario.
  2. Can I view multiple What-If scenarios on the same screen? Yes. DegreeWorks will allow you to select more than one concentration at a time, keeping in mind students are authorized no more than two total Concentrations.
  3. Can I save my What-If scenario? No. What-If plans are not saved in DegreeWorks. You would need to run a new What-If scenario next time you log in to see it again.

The JD Declaration of Concentration form may be submitted directly to the Law School Registrar for review during the student's second year of study by the deadlines posted. Requests for group C experiential credit for journal notes or externships or independent projects must be approved by the Vice Dean prior to being applied to a concentration. Students must provide documentation of course content or paper subject for review when the Concentration request form is submitted. If requesting permission for a journal paper for a group C requirement attach copy of the published note when submitting the form. If requesting permission to use an externship or independent project for a group C requirement students must submit copy of the externship contract or course description and statement from the externship supervisor or independent course faculty manager indicating relevant work that must explicitly cover the applicable law-related topic. Externship or journal or independent project authorization should be forwarded when submitting request form to the Law School Registrar. Available JD concentrations, with course requirements listed using the dropdown for each, include:

Business Law Concentration


Required Courses: at least 7. Students must complete courses in the following groups, as noted: 

Business Law Group A; complete all three of the following courses with course attribute BLWF:

  • LAW 311 - Federal Income Taxation 
  • LAW 320 - Business Associations or LAW 303 - Corporations
  • LAW 697 - Securities Litigation or LAW 423 - Securities Regulation 
Business Law Group B; complete at least three additional courses with course attribute BLWS from the following list:
  • LAW 331 - AI, Cybersecurity, and Data Privacy Advanced Negotiations
  • LAW 422 - Accounting and Finance for Lawyers 
  • LAW 441 - Admiralty Law
  • LAW 494 - Advanced Topics in Employment Law
  • LAW 518 - Anti-Money Laundering, and Countering the Financing of Terrorism
  • LAW 411 - Antitrust
  • LAW 363 - Applied Corporate Restructuring & Special Situations Strategy
  • LAW 602 - Applied Data Privacy Law for Regulated Industries: Managing Regulatory Change at Fincial
  • LAW 306 - Bankruptcy Survey 
  • LAW 388 - Broker-Dealer and Exchange Regulation 
  • LAW 318 - Business Torts 
  • LAW 434 - Commercial Law Survey 
  • LAW 438 - Corporate Taxation 
  • LAW 350 - Cryptocurrency Regulation 
  • LAW 553 - Current Topics in Antitrust 
  • LAW 454 - Economic Analysis of the Law 
  • LAW 452 - Employment Discrimination 
  • LAW 641 - Employment Discrimination Law and Practice
  • LAW 456 - Employment Law
  • LAW 713 - Employment Law for the 21st Century
  • LAW 519 - Enforcement of the Securities Laws: Procedures and Issues
  • LAW 596 - Environmental Due Diligence in Commercial Transactions 
  • LAW 440 - Federal White Collar Crime
  • LAW 379 - Financial Sanctions 
  • LAW 546 - Government Contracts Seminar 
  • LAW 742 - Health Care Transactions
  • LAW 559 - Introduction to Partnership Taxation for Corporate and Real Estate Lawyers
  • LAW 520 - Investment Management Regulation
  • LAW 387 - The Legal Envirn of Human Resource Mgmt for In-House Counsel & HR Executive 
  • LAW 658 - Int'l Comm Arbitration Sem
  • LAW 496 - International Business Transactions
  • LAW 497 - International Trade Law
  • LAW 499 - International Dispute Resolution - International Commercial Arbitration
  • LAW 408 - Insurance 
  • LAW 466 - Law and Bus in Metaverse Sem
  • LAW 675 - Law & Entrepreneurship Seminar 
  • LAW 364 - Leveraged Finance 
  • LAW 399 - Medical Professional Liability
  • LAW 464 - Mergers & Acquisitions 
  • LAW 473 - Non-Profit Law Practice 
  • LAW 671 - Patent Infringement Investigations before the ITC
  • LAW 352 - Private Equity - Structure and Issues 
  • LAW 420 - Commercial Real Estate Transactions 
  • LAW 404 - Secured Transactions
  • LAW 322 - State & Local Taxation 
  • LAW 446 - Sovereign Debt
  • LAW 793 - Telecommunications Law and Policy
  • LAW 646 - The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • LAW 314 - Title Insurance
  • LAW 660 - Topics in Advanced Trusts and Estates: Special Needs Estate Planning
  • LAW 672 - Topics in U.S. Foreign Investment Screening
  • LAW 581 - Trade Secrets
Business Law Group C; complete at least one of the following experiential learning courses with course attribute BLAW or a two-credit independent research paper on a business law-related topic (with prior approval):
  • Business Law-Related Externship (2 or more credits with prior approval)
  • LAW 704 Independent Research on business law-related topic (2-credits with prior approval) (Note that this would require completion of two separate LAW 704 courses as they are one credit each)
  • Journal note on Business Law-Related Topic (with prior advance approval)
  • LAW 140D - Advanced Writing and Practice - Transactional Practice 
  • LAW 781 - Complex Business Transactions
  • LAW 371 - Complex Transactions in Regulated Industries 
  • LAW 743 - Low Income Tax Clinic 
  • LAW 737 - Planning a Chapter 11 Filing 
  • LAW 352 - Private Equity - Structure and Issues 

Criminal Law & Procedure Concentration

Required Courses: at least 7. Students must complete courses in the following groups, as noted:
Criminal Law and Procedure Group A; complete all three of the following courses with course attribute RLWF:
  • LAW 308 - Applied Evidence in a Technological Age 4 OR LAW 309 - Evidence 
  • LAW 401 - Criminal Procedure I 
  • LAW 402 - Criminal Procedure II 
  • NOTE: Students who take Criminal Procedure Survey LAW 403 may not take either Criminal Procedure I (Law 401) or Criminal Procedure II (Law 402) for credit. NOTE; both Criminal Procedure I & II are required coursework for the Criminal Law Concentration; therefore, enrollment in Criminal Procedure Survey LAW 403 prevents students from pursuing the Criminal Law Concentration.
Criminal Law and Procedure Group B; complete at least three additional courses with attribute RLWS from the following list:
  • LAW 542 - American Jury Seminar 
  • LAW 512 - Critical Issues Facing the Department of Justice 
  • LAW 533 - Current Issues in Criminal Justice Litigation Seminar 
  • LAW 414 - Cybercrime 
  • LAW 415 - Federal Courts OR LAW 477 Section 1983 Litigation
  • LAW 440 - Federal White Collar Crime 
  • LAW 390 - Health Care Fraud 
  • LAW 498 - Int'l & Compar Crim Justice
  • LAW 385 - International Criminal Law 
  • LAW 509 - Jury Strategies Seminar
  • LAW 342 - Life or Death: A Prosecutor’s Decision-Making Process in a Capital Case 
  • LAW 463 - Persp in Law Enforcement- Policing and Prosecution
  • LAW 500 - Police Interrogation 
  • LAW 599 - Representing Vulnerable Populations in Criminal Defense
  • LAW 477 - Section 1983 Litigation OR LAW 415 Federal Courts
  • LAW 531 - Select Prob Criminal Justice
  • LAW 384 - Sentencing Law 
  • LAW 522 - Special Topics in Criminal Law Seminar
  • LAW 598 - Selected Topics in Juvenile Law Seminar
  • LAW 517 - Technology & Crimes Against Children 
  • LAW 630 - The Death Penalty Seminar 
  • LAW 529 - The Military Commissions 
  • LAW 507 - The Role of the State Attorney General
  • LAW 720 - Trial Advocacy - Basic Advanced Litigation
  • LAW 397 - Virginia Criminal Procedure 

Criminal Law and Procedure Group C; complete at least one of the following experiential learning courses with attribute CRIM, or a two-credit independent research paper on a criminal law-related topic (with prior approval):

  • LAW 140C - Advanced Writing and Practice - Pretrial Criminal Practice
  • LAW 605 - Criminal Justice Practice Skills  
  • LAW 745 - Domestic Violence Clinic 
  • LAW 747 - Innocence Project Clinic I 
  • LAW 707 - Misdemeanor Practice
  • LAW 333 - Plea Bargaining: Theory and Practice
  • LAW 771 - Public Defender Externship (Does not require Vice Dean prior approval)
  • LAW 738 - Technology-Augmented Trial Advocacy 
  • LAW 756 - US Attorney Externship (Does not require Vice Dean prior approval)
  • LAW 770- Prosecutor Externship (Does not require Vice Dean prior approval)

Environmental Law Concentration

Required courses: 6 to 9. Students must complete courses in the following groups, as noted: 

Environmental Law Group A; complete two or more of the following courses with attribute NLWF:

  • LAW 453 - Administrative Law
  • LAW 424 - Environmental Law
  • LAW 425 - Land Use Control
  • LAW 339 - Natural Resources Law (Can only be counted if not counted in Group B)

Environmental Law Group B; complete three or more supporting electives with attribute NLWS from the following:

  • LAW 587 - Animal Law Seminar
  • LAW 679 - Climate Change
  • LAW 593 - Disaster Law & Leadership Seminar
  • LAW 608 - Eminent Domain and Property Rights
  • LAW 426 - Energy Law
  • LAW 596 - Environmental Due Diligence in Commercial Transactions
  • LAW 634 - Federal Indian Law
  • LAW 346 - Fundamentals of Environmental Science for Policy
  • LAW 664 - International Environmental Law Seminar
  • LAW 339 - Natural Resources Law
  • LAW 367 - Oil and Gas and Energy Economics
  • LAW 319 - Regulation of Toxic Substances and Hazardous Waste 
  • LAW 482 - The Clean Water Act
  • LAW 654 - The Statutory and Regulatory Path to a Clean Energy Future
  • LAW 468 - Water Law

Environmental Law Group C; complete at least one of the following experiential learning courses with attribute ENVR, or a two-credit independent research paper on an environmental law topic (with prior approval), or a law journal note on an environmental law-related topic with prior approval, or an environmental law-related externship of two-credits or more:


    two-credits with prior approval on environmental law-related topic

  • LAW 667 - VA Environmental Law Practice

Intellectual Property Concentration

Required courses: at least 7. Students must complete courses in the following groups, as noted: 

Intellectual Property Group A; complete three or more of the following courses with attribute ILWF:

  • LAW 442 - Trademark Law
  • LAW 447 - Patent Law
  • LAW 448 - Intellect Property
  • LAW 465 - Copyright Law

 Intellectual Property Group B; complete at least three additional courses with attribute ILWS from the following list:

  • LAW 331 - AI, Cybersecurity, and Data Privacy Advanced Negotiations
  • LAW 491 - AI: Intro for Non-Experts
  • LAW 357 - AI Law & Policy
  • LAW 453 - Administrative Law
  • LAW 602 - Applied Data Privacy Law for Regulated Industries: Managing Regulatory Change at Financial
  • LAW 670 - Art & Cultural Heritage Seminar
  • LAW 428 - Artificial Intelligence & More; Legal Issues Likely to Arise from AI & Related Emerging Technologies
  • LAW 372 - Bioethics
  • LAW 665 - Cyber and Information Security Essentials Sem 
  • LAW 414 - Cybercrime
  • LAW 341 - Cybersecurity Incident Response
  • LAW 323 - Digital Constitutionalism? Comparative Approaches to Regulating Technologies
  • LAW 310 - Electronic Discov & Data Seizure
  • LAW 358 - Electronic Discovery
  • LAW 391 - EU Privacy and Data Protection Law
  • LAW 415 - Federal Courts
  • LAW 370 - Food and Drug Law
  • LAW 458 - Health Law and Policy
  • LAW 336 - International Intellectual Property Law
  • LAW 466 - Law and Bus in Metaverse Sem
  • LAW 675 - Law & Entrepreneurship Seminar
  • LAW 412 - Legislation and Statutory Interpretation
  • LAW 671 - Patent Infringement Investigations before the ITC
  • LAW 544 - Patent Litigation Seminar
  • LAW 348 - Privacy Law
  • LAW 413 - Remedies
  • LAW 430 - Select topics in International IP & International Trade
  • LAW 302 - Statistics for Lawyers
  • LAW 638 - Statutory Interpretation Seminar
  • LAW 793 - Telecommunications Law and Policy
  • LAW 400 - The First Amendment - Free Speech & Press
  • LAW 581 - Trade Secrets

 Intellectual Property Group C; complete at least one of the following experiential learning courses with attribute INTC, or a two-credit independent research paper on an intellectual property law-related topic (with prior approval):

  • LAW 140D - Advanced Writing and Practice - Transactional Practice
  • LAW 351 - Alternative Dispute Resolution Survey
  • LAW 722 - Mediation
  • Intellectual Property-Related Externship (two or more credits)

International Law Concentration

Required Courses: at least 7. Students must complete courses in the following groups, as noted:

International Law Group A; complete two of the following courses with attribute TLWF (one of which must be International Law):

  • LAW 380 - Comparative Law
  • LAW 409 - International Law
  • LAW 496 - International Business Transactions

International Law Group B; complete at least four additional courses with attribute TLWS from the following list:

  • LAW 331 - AI, Cybersecurity, and Data Privacy Advanced Negotiations
  • LAW 441 - Admiralty Law
  • LAW 366 - Civil Litigation Responses to Acts of Intl Terrorism
  • LAW 637 - Comparative Constitutional Systems
  • LAW 380 - Comparative Law
  • LAW 410 - Conflict of Laws
  • LAW 323 - Digital Constitutionalism? Comparative Approaches to Regulating Technologies
  • LAW 391 - EU Privacy and Data Protection Law
  • LAW 338 - European Union Law
  • LAW 382 - Human Rights Law
  • LAW 396 - Human Trafficking
  • LAW 485 - Immigration Law
  • LAW 496 - International Business Transactions
  • LAW 658 - International Commercial Arbitration
  • LAW 498 - International & Comparative Criminal Justice
  • LAW 385 - International Criminal Law
  • LAW 664 - International Environmental Law Seminar
  • LAW 336 - International Intellectual Property Law
  • LAW 726 - International Law of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • LAW 497 - International Trade Law
  • LAW 604 - Islamic Law Seminar
  • LAW 487 - Law of Armed Conflict: International Humanitarian Law in War
  • LAW 475 - National Security Law
  • LAW 374 - National Security Law Litigation
  • LAW 671 - Patent Infringement Investigations before the ITC
  • LAW 394 - Post-Conflict Justice
  • LAW 423 - Securities Regulation
  • LAW 430 - Select topics in International IP & International Trade
  • LAW 446 - Sovereign Debt
  • LAW 711 - Spanish for Lawyers
  • LAW 646 - The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
  • LAW 672 - Topics in U.S. Foreign Investment Screening
  • LAW 797 - War Powers - The National Security Law Constitution

International Law Group C; complete at least two credits of coursework with attribute of INTN, OR LAW 691 Advanced Applied International Research for two credits, OR at least one international law-related externship (two or more credits), OR a two-credit independent research paper on an international law-related topic, OR note written for law journal on an international law-related topic with Vice Dean advance approval.

  • LAW 786 - Immigration Clinic I
  • LAW 787 - Immigration Clinic II
  • LAW 710 - International Team (2-credit minimum)
  • LAW 709 - Moot Court ILR (2-credit minimum)

National Security Law Concentration

Required courses: at least 7. Students must complete courses in the following groups, as noted:

National Security Group A; complete two from the following foundational courses with attribute NSWF (if not used in Group B): 

  • LAW 475 - National Security Law
or LAW 797- War Powers- The National Security Law Constitution

  • LAW 453 - Administrative Law

or LAW 412 Legislation / Statutory Interpretation or LAW 638 Statutory Interpretation Seminar

National Security Group B; complete at least four additional courses from the following with attribute NSWS; cannot re-use courses selected to meet Group A requirement:

  • LAW 453 - Administrative Law
  • LAW 518 - Anti-Money Laundering, and Countering the Financing of Terrorism
  • LAW 428 - Artificial Intelligence & More; Legal Issues Likely to Arise from AI & Related Emerging Technologies
  • LAW 366 - Civil Litigation Responses to Acts of Intl Terrorism
  • LAW 414 - Cybercrime
  • LAW 341 - Cybersecurity Incident Response
  • LAW 665 - Cyber and Information Security Essentials Sem 
  • LAW 379 - Financial Sanctions
  • LAW 382 - Human Rights Law
  • LAW 607 - Internal Investigations
  • LAW 409 - International Law
  • LAW 726 - International Law of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • LAW 487 - Law of Armed Conflict
  • LAW 514 - Laws of War
  • LAW 412 - Legislation and Statutory Interpretation or LAW 638 Statutory Interpretation Seminar
  • LAW 503 - Military Justice
  • LAW 374 - National Security Law Litigation
  • LAW 474 - Negotiating US-Europe Relations
  • LAW 671 - Patent Infringement Investigations before the ITC
  • LAW 543 - Terrorism Seminar
  • LAW 443 - The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978: Past Present, and Future
  • LAW 529 - The Military Commissions
  • LAW 672 - Topics in U.S. Foreign Investment Screening
  • LAW 797 - War Powers - The National Security Law Constitution

National Security Group C; complete at least one of the following with attribute NSWE:

  • LAW 704  on a national security law related topic (2 credits with prior approval)
  • At least one national security law related externship (2 or more credits with prior approval)
  • Student note written for law journal on a national security law-related topic (with prior approval)

Public Interest and Social Justice Concentration

Required Courses: at least 7. Students must complete courses in the following groups, as noted:

Public Interest and Social Justice Group A: complete three courses with attribute SJWF, one from each of the three following subgroups:

A.1. LAW 453 Administrative Law or LAW 412 Legislation and Statutory Interpretation or LAW 638 Statutory Interpretation Seminar   


 A.2. LAW 415 Federal Courts or LAW 477 Section 1983 Litigation


 A.3. LAW 401 Criminal Procedure I or LAW 402 Criminal Procedure II or LAW 403 Criminal Procedure Survey

Public Interest and Social Justice Group B; complete at least three additional courses with attribute SJWS from the following list:

  • LAW 587 - Animal Law Seminar
  • LAW 532 - Children’s Rights
  • LAW 595 - Citizen Lawyers Seminar - Lessons in Leadership
  • LAW 401 - Criminal Procedure I
  • LAW 402 - Criminal Procedure II
  • LAW 533 - Current Issues in Criminal Justice Litigation Seminar
  • LAW 449 - Data & Democracy Seminar
  • LAW 467 - Elder Law Seminar
  • LAW 398 - Election Law
  • LAW 452 - Employment Discrimination
  • LAW 641 - Employment Discrimination Law and Practice
  • LAW 713 - Employment Law for the 21st Century
  • LAW 624 - Empowering Choices: A Client-Centered Approach to Disability Rights Law
  • LAW 424 - Environmental Law
  • LAW 355 - Gender, Sexuality, & Law
  • LAW 396 - Human Trafficking
  • LAW 485 - Immigration & Citizenship
  • LAW 382 - Human Rights Law
  • LAW 407 - Labor Law
  • LAW 500 - Police Interrogation
  • LAW 552 - Pro Bono in Practice
  • LAW 347 - Pub Pol for Science & Prof Sem
  • LAW 489 - Race and the Constitution Sem
  • LAW 685 - Race, Law, and Lawyering in Diverse Environments
  • LAW 319 - Regulation of Toxic Substances and Hazardous Waste 
  • LAW 599 - Representing Vulnerable Populations in Criminal Defense
  • LAW 507 - Role of State Attorney General
  • LAW 628 - Selected Topics in Race & American Legal History Seminar
  • LAW 429 - State & Local Government Law
  • LAW 517 - Technology & Crimes Against Children
  • LAW 632- Testing Rule of Law
  • LAW 630 - The Death Penalty Seminar
  • LAW 507 - The Role of the State Attorney General
  • LAW 660 - Topics in Advanced Trusts and Estates: Special Needs Estate Planning
  • LAW 427 - Vice and the Law
  • LAW 488 - Youth Law

Public Interest and Social Justice Group C; complete at least one of the following with attribute SJSP:

  • 2-credit minimum Externship - The following Externships qualify towards the Concentration: Judicial, Federal Government, Nonprofit Organization, Prosecutor, Public Defender, State/Local Government, and U.S. Attorney. 
  • LAW 788 - Appellate & Supreme Court Clinic I
  • LAW 789 - Appellate & Supreme Court Clinic II
  • LAW 745 - Domestic Violence Clinic
  • LAW 784 - Elder & Disability Law Clinic I (EDLC I)
  • LAW 746 - Family Law Clinic
  • LAW 743 - Low Income Tax Clinic
  • LAW 786 - Immigration Clinic I
  • LAW 787 - Immigration Clinic II
  • LAW 747 - Innocence Project Clinic I
  • LAW 333 - Plea Bargaining: Theory and Practice
  • LAW 782 - Special Education Advocacy Clinic I (PELE)
  • LAW 780 - Veterans’ Benefits Clinic I

Political Law Concentration

Required courses: at least 7. Students must complete courses in the following groups, as noted:

Political Law Group A; complete at least three courses with attribute POLF from the following list:

  • LAW 453 - Administrative Law
  • LAW 398 - Election Law
  • LAW 412 - Legislation and Statutory Interpretation OR LAW 638 Statutory Interpretation Seminar
  • LAW 429 - State & Local Government Law

Political Law Group B; complete at least three of the following with attribute POLS; if a student satisfies all four of the Group A requirements, the fourth course may be counted as supporting counted here.

  • LAW 580 - 2nd Amend-Hist Theory Prac
  • LAW 312 - Advanced Constitutional Law Survey
  • LAW 687 - Advanced Readings in Political Economy
  • LAW 393 - Campaign Finance
  • LAW 680 - Comparative Election Law
  • LAW 449 - Data & Democracy Seminar
  • LAW 486 - Defamation and Disinformation
  • LAW 454 - Economic Analysis of the Law
  • LAW 748 - Election Administration Law
  • LAW 415 - Federal Courts OR LAW 477 Section 1983 Litigation
  • LAW 311 - Federal Income Taxation
  • LAW 355 - Gender, Sexuality, & Law
  • LAW 546 - Government Contracts Seminar
  • LAW 513 - Law and Politics
  • LAW 685 - Race, Law, and Lawyering in Diverse Environments
  • LAW 507 - Role of State Attorney General
  • LAW 477 - Section 1983 Litigation OR LAW 414 Federal Courts
  • LAW 493 - State Constitutionalism
  • LAW 322 - State & Local Taxation
  • LAW 619 - Supreme Court Seminar
  • LAW 400 - The First Amendment - Free Speech & Press
  • LAW 427 - Vice and the Law

Political Law Group C; Experiential with attribute POLI or Independent; at least two credits in one of the following or combination of.

  • LAW 301 - Election Law Practicum - Lawyering a Campaign
  • LAW 758 - Federal Government Externship (Does not require Vice Dean prior approval)
  • LAW 704 - Independent Legal Research on political law-related topic (with Vice Dean approval)
  • LAW 502 - Legislative Redistricting w/Geographic Information Systems
  • LAW 378 - Non-Profit Campaign Finance Law
  • LAW 749 - Non-Profit Organization Externship (Does not require Vice Dean prior approval)
  • LAW 716 - Power, Influence & Responsible Leadership
  • LAW 753 - State & Local Government Externship (Does not require Vice Dean prior approval)
  • LAW 421 - Voting Rights Litigation and Practice


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