Chuanyan "Lisa" Zhang
International Bridges to Justice (Geneva, Switzerland)
Chuanyan "Lisa" Zhang was born and grew up in Chengdu, China. Before coming to law school, she pursued graduate studies in Accounting in Ohio. After graduation, Lisa faced the option of either taking the CPA exam and becoming an accountant, or taking the LSAT and applying for law school. She decided to follow her heart and is grateful to now be realizing her dream. Lisa is interested in international law, constitutional law, and comparative legal studies. She is excited for this summer and hopes it will be a good opportunity for her to explore and learn.
Lisa will be working this summer for International Bridges to Justice (IBJ). She will spend four weeks working at its Beijing office and eight weeks at its Geneva headquarters. IBJ’s mission is to protect the basic legal rights of ordinary citizens in developing countries. Specifically, IBJ works on helping people get competent legal counsel and a fair trial, and protecting them from unusual pre-trial punishment. Besides its headquarters, IBJ currently works in seven countries.