Ba Distrito - Final Week


I’ve basically just been focusing on work the past two weeks (thus not posting last week). Haha, I didn’t even take any pictures during week 9 (Yes, miracles do happen!).

Work Stuff

My final two weeks have been frantically trying to finish up the analysis and put together a report to present to the MOJ. With illness, I haven’t been able to be as efficient as I normally would. Despite that, on Friday, I presented my findings to the MOJ team. We discussed how a report ought to be structured and my recommendations. I then went over the research they did and made recommendations for future research projects.

Everyone who participated in the training was given a certificate of completion. They were signed by the Director of the human rights department of the Ministry of Justice, Carolyn (the Chief-of-Party for Ba Distrito), and me. So fun that my signature is next to these important people.

Toward the end of the workday on Friday, they called me into the conference room. The whole office was there and there were snacks. Carolyn thanked me for all my work and said that I had done an incredible job. I was then presented with a tais (traditional woven cloth) from the office. The Access to Justice department then presented me with two more, along with a tais purse and jewelry. I felt very honored. I’ve loved working with all of them.


For my last week at my Wednesday night small group, we had a pot luck and game time.  I’ve loved getting to know all the people in the group and am definitely going to miss them.

After work on Friday, several people from the office took me out to Timor Plaza – where I went my first week. We stayed for a long while, laughing and talking and listening to the live music.

I found out this week that the first Saturday of every month is market day at Lecidere, which is the stretch of beach closest to where I live. Local Timorese bring traditionally made things to sell. My lack of transport had me thinking I wouldn’t be able to buy things for my family. I’m glad I was able to get the chance. Haha… it’s hard finding good gifts for my large family, but I think I did ok.

Every time someone who has been at the church for a little while leaves, VFC will bring them up to pray for them. I was the only one this week, which made me feel special. The pastor and his wife presented me with a tais and wished me a good trip home. A group of us went to a Philippine restaurant for lunch.

It’s amazing how many people I’ve met while here. I’ve really gotten to get a good look at what the development community is like, and I look forward to committing my life to this work.

I leave Monday afternoon for my 36 hour trip home. It’s been a crazy summer, and I definitely have some fun adventures to talk about when I get home.