Week 7

With the games over, life has calmed down in the city and things have returned to a sense of normalcy. Meetings with potential project groups & government agencies have once again become a regular occurrence while I continue to draft proposals for project and legislative presentations. The focal point of my research currently is in regards to the tax treatments of NGOs and non-profit organizations within Azerbaijan. Various government departments have expressed an interest in the idea & have asked us to give them a starting point for how to approach and consider whether or not this is something the state would be interested in attempting. The project has involved significant research into other Caucasian & European states to analyze and compare the roles of public benefit companies and the benefits they receive from their respective governments.

            The organization is still working hard to reach its project procurement numbers and tinder our offers in time for our audit and four-year review in September. Luckily a lot of this data is accounting and/or in Azerbaijani so the initial reaction of giving the busy work to the intern did not happen. Instead, I’ve added several research tasks to my proposal list regarding the accounting methods, employment statuses, and monetary policies of NPOs.

            My parents are actually visiting Baku this weekend. Part of my needs for this upcoming week are to book reservations at places & to actually plan out where I am taking them. I am hoping to show them all the great parts of this city and to hopefully even take them out of the city to see some of the costal areas, maybe a day at the beach.