Last days

giraffeMy last week in South Africa was a blur. It began with Dr. Jobson taking me and two other co-workers to the newly opened Lion Park as a little goodbye trip. The safari was incredible and we saw too many lions to count. The funniest part was when we were trying to leave the park and a baby giraffe was blocking the exit. Our driver grabbed some leaves and convinved the giraffe to walk away from the gate. She then ran back to our truck and started to open the gate. But the giraffe was faster and made a run for it and actually got out of the park! Ironically, the giraffe simply went to the nearest tree and started eating some leaves, which were identical to the trees on the other side of the fence.  

For my last weekend in Joburg, we went biking in Soweto, saw a rugby game, and went ziplining through Magaliesburg, the oldest mountain range in the world. I then flew to Cape Town for a few days to end my trip. I did a tour of the city, went hiking, saw the famous Cape Town wineries, went to Robben Island (where Mandela was imprisoned), went shark diving and drove down to Cape Point, the most southern tip of the continent where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet. I then flew back to DC where I spent a few days being a tourist before finally arriving back in Williamsburg.  Needless to say, it has been a busy few weeks.

I am so incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to live and work in Johannesburg this summer. Working with Dr. Jobson and Khulumani has been such an unbelievable experience, one that I will never forget.

 I would like to thank Professor Warren and William and Mary for providingme this life-changing opportunity. Furthermore, I would like to thank John and Brenda Scanelli, longtime supporters of the CLS/PCP Internship Program who helped fund my trip.  cheetah

Oh and I got to pet a Cheetah!