Week Two: Making My Way Downtown

Hello readers!

This week marked week two at the NCSC. I have settled in to a routine and am much more comfortable around the office. Another intern also started this week so we will collaborate on some assignments throughout the summer and I officially have a lunch buddy.

I am still working on some of the same projects from last week, but have also gotten two longer term research assignments. NCSC is hosting two workshops on change management for groups from Peru and Kyrgyzstan that will be implemented upon return to the countries. We will be researching juvenile justice and how the plan will protect children within the judiciary system. Adolescents often face lawsuits, either as victims or offenders, and this plan will address ways to safeguard their rights and promote institutional changes to prevent maltreatment. It will also focus on re-integration of minors and alternative means of conflict resolution.

My second project for this week is for the Trinidad and Tobago Juvenile Court Project. NCSC is working on a case management system to be more efficient and consolidate forms into one system. I have been working to identify data fields and document the new terms in the data dictionary. This will then be merged into court documents to create templates for the court.

Now that the rain has finally stopped and the weather has improved, I have been able to start exploring the city. I live close to the Mall and have been able to run (slowly) along it to check out the monuments. This week I have tried some new restaurants, saw squirrels playing possum, witnessed some near-accident segway mishaps, and of course mastered the metro.
