Week 9: Practice Makes Perfect

Bittersweet is the only way to describe this week. On one hand this was the week of the Myanmar training and we got to watch all of our hard work and preparation be put into action. One the other, it was Reeana’s last week as well as a number of other interns and we had to say goodbye (for now).

Having spent the majority of the summer preparing for the Myanmar training, I was really excited and a little nervous to hear how the program went. We had an incredible turn out, 145 Myanmar defense attorneys attended the training and received one of the training manuals that Reeana and I took part in creating. Each trainer presented a different lecture that played to their strengths and it was cool knowing that we worked directly with each trainer to create the powerpoints and worksheets for each lecture. I feel really blessed to have had the opportunity to work with so many different attorneys from all over the world. Their backgrounds were extremely diverse and each had experience in different legal systems across the world. It is pretty amazing to receive that type of mentorship. I never expected to learn as much as I have this summer about different legal systems and I think one of my favorite parts of my work with IBJ was getting to compare each legal system and reflect on what works best from each. Hearing the stories my boss shared about each individual attorney who attended the training and knowing that IBJ was able to reach so many legal aid attorneys who will go on to defend countless individuals who need it the most is the most rewarding feeling. This week was definitely one of the most special weeks I have had at IBJ.


As excited as I was to listen to all of the success stories from the Myanmar training, we still have so much to get done before the Rwanda training. I have been working with another intern in the Rwanda office who is from Canada to prepare all of the powerpoint presentations for the trainers, translate the defense training manual, and make sure that each trainer has everything they need to give the best possible lectures. The Rwanda training will only last for two days so it is shorter than the Myanmar training but an equal level of preparation is required to ensure success. We have about five powerpoint lecture presentations that we need to create and one last section of the training manual that needs to be translated but other than that we are pretty much ready to go. It is really exciting to finish up and tie up all of the loose ends before I leave next week. Unfortunately, I will be gone before the Rwanda training happens but I look forward to hearing all about it from my coworkers once I arrive back home in the states.


My low this week is that Reeana and Emma left. I will luckily see Reeana when I arrive back at school and I cannot wait for that but I probably will not be seeing Emma for a while. It is always hard to say goodbye to friends you meet abroad but one thing this summer has made me realize is just how small this world really is and I am sure I will see Emma again someday. Alternatively, I do have a pretty exciting high this week! I took a solo trip to London this weekend and it was absolutely incredible! It had been about two years since I was last in London so it was really nice to go back and see some friends who are living there. I had an afternoon tea with a couple of my coworkers, shopped in Camden Town, saw the Lion King, and went to a Sunday service in St. Paul’s Cathedral. This was my first solo trip of the summer so I was a little nervous going into it but overall I had an absolutely wonderful time and it was the perfect final trip of the summer. 

Well, looking ahead next week is my final week with IBJ. I imagine I will have a lot of thoughts to share with each of you about my overall summer experience but for now, I’m off to enjoy the view from my rooftop.

Until next time,

