All Rise

This week was a short but incredibly full week. At NCSC the other interns and I were busy on yet another data project. We are still working on NCSC’s Caribbean Basin Project, this time we were looking at surveys of those who attended workshops put on by NCSC and their satisfaction with the workshops. After we tracked down the surveys (it’s a lot harder than it sounds) we gathered all of the data into one accessible place so it could be integrated onto the NCSC website to be admired by the masses. The results will be published in a few weeks.

Upon reflection, I realized that although I have spent an entire year in law school, I have never stepped foot in a courtroom. Luckily I got the chance to visit the Superior Court of the District of Columbia this week! The judicial fellow at NCSC, Judge Mize, stopped into our office last week and invited us to visit him in his chambers. He is now a Senior Judge at the Superior Court of D.C. and had bench duty. I got the chance to sit-in on three hearings over various matters ranging from the appointment of a temporary medical guardian to protection orders. Additionally, I also got to see the authorization process for arrest warrants, search warrants, and re-issuance of bench warrants. I loved absolutely every minute of the visit and hope to go back again in a few weeks. Thank you Judge Mize!

It’s hard to believe three weeks have already passed. Still have lots of places to see and things to do on my list!

week 3