Grand Finale

WOW! What a summer! I hit the ground running the first week and don’t think I’ve stopped running since. There was a lot of wrap up to be done this week. First, I am so excited to report my Egyptian Anti-Terrorism paper is DONE! It passed review, the graphics have been perfected, and it is complete. I look forward to receiving the final copy in a couple weeks that I will treasure forever. Seeing the project go from a data set that needed some TLC  to a 20-page analysis of regional trends and patterns has been so rewarding and I am so proud of the work I did to make it happen. I wasn’t sure what kind of work I would be doing this summer when I started at NCSC, but being able to spend so much time in an area that I am so interested in was a fantastic way to spend a good part of my time.

Even though Egypt was turned in, several projects remained. First up was the concept paper that Maddie and I have been working on. We had the opportunity to draft a proposal for a rule of law project in Serbia based on a Notice of Funding request by USAID. This project gave me a new appreciation for the work all of the Project Managers do at NCSC. Proposal drafting is no joke, it takes a lot of time and energy, and we didn’t even touch the budgetary side.

This week was also presentation week. Maddie and I decided several weeks back to research and present on the migration crisis currently facing the US and the EU. We looked at laws, policy, and the implications of law and policy on the migration crisis. I learned a lot more not only about US Immigration Law but also how Europe is handling (or not handling) their own immigration problems. The presentation also gave the opportunity to practice those public speaking skills, crucial for any good lawyer to have. Everyone from the Division turned out to watch (I’m going to credit a lot of the turn-out to free food), including our friend Judge Mize, who we visited at the D.C. Court during week three. The presentation went well and was certainly well worth the time and energy put into the research, slide construction, and hours of practice.

Finally, because no week would be complete without a little research, I did a final research project on access to justice in Kosovo. This report looked at different vulnerable groups, (think women, minorities, persons with disabilities, etc.), and examined their access to and knowledge of legal services available in Kosovo.

To cap off an exciting week and an amazing summer, NCSC took an office outing to a Washington Nationals game on our last day. The game was a blast and was a great way to say thank-you and spend some quality time with the Division.

It has truly been a wonderful summer. I have learned so much not only about rule of law and the work that NCSC does, but also about myself and my future career as a lawyer. All of the opportunities we have had to go out into Washington D.C. to attend conferences, see the Supreme Court in action, and get to know all of the incredible people within the International Programs Division, has truly led to a rich summer and one I won’t soon forget.

Thank you to NCSC for having me these past ten-weeks. It has been an honor to work for such a wonderful organization that does work that benefits so many. Thank you for helping me grow as a researcher, as a writer, and as a lawyer.

Now it’s time to go home and take a little break before the real fun begins, 2L year!
