Halfway There

This week marks the halfway point of my summer at NCSC and time is flying by! Unfortunately we did not have any exciting excursions outside the office this week, meaning there’s not a whole lot to report.

I had several smaller projects going on that kept me quite busy. After finishing up my Guatemala project from last week, I started research on my Election Law Memo, focusing on how election disputes are resolved around the world. Since I am taking Election Law in the fall, I was especially excited for this assignment. With democratic elections serving as a cornerstone of rule of law practice, it was interesting to see the many different ways that countries deal with election disputes. I found that it is especially important to find a balance between a speedy and fair resolution while also giving the public as much information as possible since absolutely everyone in the country has something at stake in an election.

Next, I got to dive into my Egypt research and begin writing the analysis portion of the White Paper I am working on. With a majority of my past terrorism-related research focusing on Iraq and Afghanistan, learning the landscape of terrorist activity in Egypt has been quite a learning curve. I spent most of my time researching the Sinai region, which is experiencing an ongoing insurgency from an affiliate of ISIS. With lots of terrorist activity and a major military campaign to curb the problem the paper is getting quite long quite quickly! One region down, four more to go!

After finishing my Egypt project for the week, I also had a few editing projects to work on. First up was reviewing NCSC’s sub-contracting agreement, which was short and sweet. I also got to review an upcoming proposal that NCSC is submitting, fingers crossed my edits help!