Time Flies When You're Having Fun

I may only have two weeks left at NCSC, but the projects just keep flowing in! This week I was ALL over the world with projects. First on the list was more quarterly report editing. Most of the donor agencies NCSC works with, namely USAID and the Department of State, require quarterly reports on progress being made in each of the projects to ensure the project is meeting the benchmarks set out in its proposal. I edited reports from Panama, Costa Rica, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Each project is so different but reading about the incredible work each one is doing, seeing them meet their benchmarks, and getting an understanding for just how important NCSC’s projects are was a great way to see all of the hard work that goes on behind the scenes really come to life.

Before getting to quarterly reports however, proposals for programs have to be submitted and projects have to be accepted by donor agencies. Normally that’s what I get to read and help with and this week was no different. I reviewed a project proposal NCSC is getting ready to submit for a project in Central America.

After my editing duties ended I worked with Maddie on revising NCSC’s Sub-Contracting agreement. These agreements are between NCSC and any parties that we work with throughout the course of a project where we are the main subsidiary. It is all very complicated, as contracts tend to be, but I am really enjoying getting into the federal regulations surrounding government contracting, a future career possibility perhaps?

It’s hard to believe the summer is almost over, especially with so much work left to be done. I’m excited to wrap up the final loose ends next week and do some fun activities too!