Turning Up the Heat

With a heat wave sweeping the east coast this week, walking into work every morning was a welcome respite from the three block walk from the metro to the office. I have never in my life experienced such heat and humidity, welcome to July in D.C!

The fourth of July holiday meant cramming five days of work into a four day work week. Monday I spent my day doing a second memo on Nicaragua, specifically on juvenile gang violence. In comparison to its neighbors, Nicaragua has remarkably low homicide rates and instances of gang violence. However, in the scheme of things, conditions in Nicaragua still are not great. The US government is looking to expand its programs in Nicaragua, specifically related to juvenile justice, meaning the memo I was writing will be used as background for future NCSC projects.

Tuesday and then again on Thursday I continued to work on my Egypt Anti-Terrorism paper. It’s really coming together and goes into review next week. I will be dedicating my weekend to putting the finishing touches on my complete first draft. Here’s hoping review goes well and I will be able to have it ready for submission before I leave.

Friday was a hodgepodge of projects. I spent some time in the morning proofreading another proposal NCSC is submitting and reorganizing NCSC’s contracting procedure for the Senior Legal Counsel here at the IPD. For the remainder of the day, I prepared a security report for NCSC staff on the ground in Morocco.  I’ve been all over the world without leaving Arlington this week but boy do I feel like I’m jet-lagged.