John Lanning



John Lanning grew up outside of Kansas City, Missouri. He attended Saint Louis University where he earned a degree in Accounting with a minor in Mandarin Chinese. While he was at SLU, John was involved with KSLU radio, Greek life, and studied abroad in Madrid, Spain. He moved to Williamsburg, Virginia after completing his undergraduate education in order to pursue a law degree.

This summer, John will be exploring his interest in election law with Democracy for Development in Pristina, Kosovo. He developed a passion for election law while working in the counsel's office of a major U.S. political party during the 2018 midterm elections. As a legal intern this summer, John will be working on election law and related policy issues facing Kosovo, a newly independent nation in Eastern Europe. John is looking to learn more about the electoral process in Kosovo and work with Democracy for Development to ensure free and fair elections.