Finishing up at work, exploring art galleries

Hello readers!
The summer is winding down and I’m very aware that I have a limited amount of days left here, so I am trying to go to all of my favorite spots one last time. At work, I have been working on another constitutional research project for the last couple of weeks, and I am just about finished. After I submit that, I only have a handful of tasks left and then I am done! This summer has gone by so fast and just when I feel settled in I have to turn around and go back home.

I have been checking things off of my Yangon wish list, including visiting the Drug Elimination Museum, doing a “gallery crawl” of the hidden art galleries downtown, catching the sunset at a downtown ferry pier, and buying more fabric at the markets to have dressed made by the tailor. Monsoon season is pretty much in full swing here, so every outing is broken up by dashing for cover when the sky opens up.

I went on the DIY gallery tour with a friend from work and we discovered some really beautiful work by local artists:

We also ended up in a gallery that was having an event, with a group of string instruments playing a symphony while people drank signature Myanmar tea:

Just for fun, a beautiful sunset: