Uno, Dos, Tres Trips to Ocho

Last weekend, I attended a Relay for Life event held at the University of Technology here in Kingston. This Relay was quite a bit bigger than the ones in which I was used to participating. My junior and senior years at Alma College, I was the Relay for Life team captain for my fraternity, so this was a pretty fun contrast for me. This time, I was attending with a coworker, who was a part of the team Baby Docs for Cancer Tots.

Relay for Life Concert

The following day, I spent the afternoon exploring with my friend Julianne. We drove to the north side of the island and spent the day near Ocho Rios. We drove through the parking lot of the free beach in Ocho, but it looked a bit crowded, so we opted for a private beach in a neighboring town. This was my first actual trip to the beach since I got to Jamaica!

Puerto Seco Beach

The private beach was just down the road from the Bahia, the resort where we’d had our training a few days earlier. There was an inflatable obstacle course, a small restaurant and bar, and plenty of lounge chairs and umbrellas. We swam, sunned ourselves, and grabbed dinner at a bar & grill back in Ocho.


The work week was productive, but not particularly thrilling. We had meetings with a consult in order to finalize an assessment tool for determining the capacity of shelters and care facilities for survivors. We also met with other stakeholders to keep establishing our network of reintegration service providers.

I attended my first two spin classes since joining Express Fitness! The first one was a high intensity class, where our large, muscular instructor took the old-school “shouting coach” approach to motivating the cyclists. This was quite a bit different than the High School Musical themed classes at the student rec center taught by cheerful undergrads, but was a good class all-in-all.

Thursday’s class was a different story. You know how sometimes, you can tell that someone who is in charge has no idea what they are doing? Like, for example, a fitness trainer that very clearly isn’t a cyclist teaching a spin class?

I pulled a muscle in my leg and left the class early.

But, it healed up quick! Next week I’ll give an update on my hike to Blue Hole, checking out some waterfalls, and trying my hand at diving into the White River!