Voices from the Field
2023 Student Summer Intern Blogs

Justin Apperson
Andalas University Center for Constitutional Studies and the Constitutional Court of Indonesia
Justin Apperson will conduct research on relationships between federalism and protection of natural resources during the first half of his summer. He will then work in the Chambers of Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra, assisting in the court’s oversight role with respect to the executive branch of government.

Emma Battin
Central and Eastern European Law Institute
Emma Battin will support CEELI’s work fighting corruption and supporting judicial independence and human rights in over 45 countries around the globe. In July she will participate in a training program for Ukrainian lawyers on international criminal law issues related to the Russian invasion.

Emily Buttolph
Initiative for Strategic Litigation in Africa
Emily Buttolph will work with the Initiative for Strategic Litigation in Africa’s Feminist Litigation Institute supporting pan-African strategic human rights litigation focusing on women’s sexual and socio-economic rights and the reduction of violence against women. ISLA’s offices are located in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Sarah Conley
American Chemistry Council Global Affairs Division
Sarah Conley will research global environmental, economic and trade issues in support of ACC’s work with over 190 companies engaged in the world of chemistry and innovation. ACC’s target areas include health, sustainability and productivity.

Lauren Daffenberg
Open Development Cambodia
Lauren Daffenberg will compile a comprehensive database of legislation, policies, regulations and frameworks relating to economic governance of small- to medium-size enterprises. She will also interview government authorities, entrepreneurs, consumers and businesspeople engaged in the private sector and informal economies in support of ODC’s mission to aggregate information and make it available to the public.

Jayli Esber
International Bridges to Justice
Jayli Esber will intern at IBJ’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Jayli, who has studied Arabic and the Middle East, will contribute to IBJ’s work training Syrian lawyers who are defending people accused of ordinary crimes in the context of war.

Willow Hasson
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance/Constitution Building Processes Programme
Willow Hasson will provide research in support of national constitutional building and amendment processes. International IDEA’s CBP program provides assistance to countries undergoing constitutional transitions as they seek to strengthen political institutions, improve electoral processes, and promote democracy.

Jennifer Heeg
Beijing Children's Legal Aid and Research Center
Jennifer Heeg will contribute to BCLARC’s work providing free legal aid to minors throughout China and protecting their rights. The Center conducts empirical research to facilitate justice for children.

Jacob Kaplan
Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network
Jacob Kaplan will provide pro bono legal assistance to the immigrant community in the Eleventh Circuit. GAIN’s clients seek to escape persecution, human trafficking, domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Savannah Kingery
National Center for State Courts, International Programs Division
Savannah Kingery (1L) will be working with the International Programs Division of the National Center for State Courts, assisting in the implementation of Rule of Law projects in post-conflict and developing countries.

Courtney Lange
USAID Thailand Counter Trafficking in Persons Program
Courtney Lange will focus on furthering CTIP’s projects that target the triggers that enable trafficking and exploitation, and work to strengthen protection systems for survivors while empowering at-risk populations.

Michaela Mazzeo
United States Institute of Peace
Michaela Mazzeo will serve on a team working to prevent atrocities in the context of conflict and support peacebuilding efforts across the world. As a federal institution, USIP assists governments and civil society organizations operating in conflict zones by contributing policy recommendations, education resources and training programs.

Casandra Oldfield
Constitutional Court of Kosovo
Casandra Oldfield will intern in the Chambers of the President of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo. The Court reviews and rules on the interpretation of issues relating to Kosovo’s Constitution. Casandra will perform comparative constitutional analysis in furtherance of the Court’s compliance with domestic and international legal norms.

Mauro Rosato
International Bridges to Justice
Mauro Rosato will support IBJ’s work providing free legal representation to the most vulnerable people in Rwanda and Burundi. He will contribute to efforts to raise awareness of the populations’ legal rights while combatting inhumane conditions in detention facilities.

Morgan Spencer
American Chemistry Council Global Affairs Division
Morgan Spencer will research global environmental, economic and trade issues in support of ACC’s work with over 190 companies engaged in the world of chemistry and innovation. ACC’s target areas include health, sustainability and productivity.

Anthony Voka
Center for Legal Aid and Regional Development
Anthony Voka will contribute to CLARD’s work facilitating legal assistance for marginalized groups while advocating for and promoting just legal systems that improve their economic and social lives.

Laura Wenzel
International Bridges to Justice
Laura Wenzel will intern at IBJ’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Laura will provide research and back-up services to IBJ’s global programming efforts against cruel and unusual punishment and in support of fair trial rights in developing and post-conflict countries.

Aria White
Legal Resources Center
Aria White will contribute to LRC’s mission of providing free legal assistance to South Africans dealing with the after-effects of apartheid. The Centre focuses on eliminating persistent inequalities that underlie structural and intergenerational economic and social discrimination. It was founded on the idea that lawyers have a particular responsibility in the face of gross injustices.

Mark Wilson
International Foundation for Electoral Systems
Mark Wilson will intern with IFES’ Center for Anti-Corruption and Democratic Trust, which works with partners worldwide to combat corruption, support democratic renewal, and build trust in democratic processes, systems, and institutions by strengthening the efforts of public officials, independent institutions, and civil society to promote good governance.