Alternative Dispute Resolution Survey

LAW 721-01 Alternative Dispute Resolution 2 credits
This course will explore the various processes of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) available to attorneys and their clients, with particular focus on negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and court and agency-annexed ADR. The role of the lawyer in counseling a client and recommending a specific ADR process will be examined, as will the role of technology in ADR (including online ADR), and the ethical issues that surround a lawyers participation in ADR processes. Skills in communication and ADR processes will be developed through role play and simulation exercises, both in and out of class, throughout the semester, with learning reinforced through a reflective journal.



Federal Courts
Trial Advocacy
Virginia Civil Procedure


Administrative Law
Advanced Brief Writing
Advanced Family Law Advocacy
Advanced Research I
Advanced Research II
Alternative Dispute Resolution Survey
American Jury
Constitutional Tort Litigation
Domestic Violence Clinic
Electronic Discovery and Data Seizures
Electronic Evidence, Expert Testimony, Scientific Evidence*
Entertainment Law Litigation*
General Mediation
Legal Aid Clinic
Legal Technology
Litigation in Civil Law Systems*
Mediation Advocacy
Negotiation & Settlement Advocacy
Therapeutic Jurisprudence
Technology-Augmented Trial Advocacy
Transnational Litigation*
Trial Strategy and Persuasion
Virginia Criminal Procedure

*courses not offered every year