General Mediation

LAW 722-01General Mediation3 credits
This predominantly experiential course immerses you into the theory and practice of alternative dispute resolution with a strong emphasis on the mediation process, an effective and collaborative problem-solving approach to resolving disputes, where the parties to the dispute, with assistance of an impartial third party ("mediator"), are in control of making the informed decisions necessary to resolve their dispute.  Through demonstrations, role plays, videotapes, coaching, class discussions, presentations, readings and written assignments, you will learn about the theory of mediation and its practice from the perspective of a mediator, a party, and an attorney representing clients in mediation.



Federal Courts
Trial Advocacy
Virginia Civil Procedure


Administrative Law
Advanced Brief Writing
Advanced Family Law Advocacy
Advanced Research I
Advanced Research II
Alternative Dispute Resolution Survey
American Jury
Constitutional Tort Litigation
Domestic Violence Clinic
Electronic Discovery and Data Seizures
Electronic Evidence, Expert Testimony, Scientific Evidence*
Entertainment Law Litigation*
General Mediation
Legal Aid Clinic
Legal Technology
Litigation in Civil Law Systems*
Mediation Advocacy
Negotiation & Settlement Advocacy
Therapeutic Jurisprudence
Technology-Augmented Trial Advocacy
Transnational Litigation*
Trial Strategy and Persuasion
Virginia Criminal Procedure

*courses not offered every year