Mediation Advocacy

LAW 725-01 Mediation Advocacy 3 credits
This course introduces the mediation process from the advocate's perspective and then provides an opportunity to practice those skills necessary to become effective advocates in this process. The advocacy skills students will practice include listening, summarizing, reframing and negotiation skills as well as preparation of opening statements in mediation.

Classes will consist of lectures by the instructor as well as experts in the field, demonstrations of advocacy skills, and participation by students in role plays supervised by the instructor and attorney mediators. The course will require readings from the text and supplemental materials, class attendance, participation in discussion and role plays, a paper and written work predicated on the lecture and role plays. There will be one Saturday or extended class which will be required attendance for everyone.

Class participation and attendance will count for 50% of the final grade and a paper will count for the remaining 50%.



Federal Courts
Trial Advocacy
Virginia Civil Procedure


Administrative Law
Advanced Brief Writing
Advanced Family Law Advocacy
Advanced Research I
Advanced Research II
Alternative Dispute Resolution Survey
American Jury
Constitutional Tort Litigation
Domestic Violence Clinic
Electronic Discovery and Data Seizures
Electronic Evidence, Expert Testimony, Scientific Evidence*
Entertainment Law Litigation*
General Mediation
Legal Aid Clinic
Legal Technology
Litigation in Civil Law Systems*
Mediation Advocacy
Negotiation & Settlement Advocacy
Therapeutic Jurisprudence
Technology-Augmented Trial Advocacy
Transnational Litigation*
Trial Strategy and Persuasion
Virginia Criminal Procedure

*courses not offered every year