Tips for Computer Use on Exams

All students are required to download and use the exam platform, Exam4, each semester. Please review the supported operating systems and minimum specification requirements each semester before downloading the latest version. Students are encouraged to uninstall the last version of Exam4 before installing the latest version. 

All students are required to complete a practice exam(s) once they have downloaded the latest version. This is to familiarize yourself with the software and to identify any concerns early. The practice exam allows you to complete an exam in each of the four exam modes (Closed, Open Laptop, Open Laptop + Network, and Takehome) to ensure your PC meets the requirements and everything works properly before exams begin. 

Be aware that anything you download after completing a practice exam may impact your actual exam; therefore, you are encouraged to complete a practice exam, particularly in Closed mode, as close to your actual exam date as possible. 

Please visit the Exam FAQs page for more technology tips.