Dates and Deadlines

The following dates are applicable to each individual applicant type. Dates are subject to change and will be communicated by the Admissions Office when appropriate.

First-Year JD: Dates & Deadlines

First-Year J.D. Applicant

September 1: First-year J.D. applications become available.

February 15: Recommended date by which the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is submitted.  It is strongly recommended that every student complete and submit the FAFSA as early as possible to avoid processing delays. In order to be eligible for Federal Student Loans, or need-based aid, you must submit a FAFSA. W&M does not require parental information to be included on the FAFSA.

Registration for Credential Assembly Service (CAS):  LSAC recommends registering and submitting your support documents at least six weeks before you plan to submit your law school applications.

Deadlines: The priority deadline to submit applications is April 1, but applications are accepted until August 1. Aapplicants should take the LSAT no later than April 2024. W&M considers an LSAT score valid for a period of three years; therefore, the oldest LSAT score acceptable for the 2024-25 application cycle is June 2022.  

Transfer Applicant: Dates & Deadlines

Transfer Applicant

May 1: William & Mary Law begins accepting transfer applications.

June 15: Application deadline.

June - August: Decisions will be communicated. 

Visiting Applicant: Dates & Deadlines

Visiting Applicant

May 1: William & Mary Law begins accepting transfer applications.

June 15: Application deadline.

June - August: Decisions will be communicated.