Faculty Experts

William & Mary Law School's faculty are widely quoted by national and international media. Visit our Faculty in the News page for a recap of recent stories that feature our professors.

Please scroll through the list below to find an expert according to their area of expertise. 

Law School staff also are eager to help you. Please contact Doris D. Taylor, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer at (757) 221-1075 or ddtaylor01@wm.edu, or David F. Morrill, Assistant Director of Communications at (757)221-2075 or dfmor2@wm.edu.

Areas of Expertise

Administrative Law

Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Administrative Law
Chevron Doctrine

Evan J. Criddle
Administrative Law

Neal E. Devins
Administrative Law

Margaret Hu
Administrative Law

Allison Orr Larsen
Administrative Law

Adoption Law

James Dwyer 
Adoption Law

Vivian Hamilton
Adoption Law

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Iria Giuffrida
Alternative Dispute Resolution
International Commercial Arbitration


Alan J. Meese

Appellate Advocacy

Jennifer R. Franklin
Appellate Advocacy

James Y. Stern
Appellate Advocacy

Artificial Intelligence, the Internet-of-Things and Similar Technologies

Iria Giuffrida
Artificial Intelligence, the Internet-of-Things and Similar Technologies

Fredric I. Lederer
Artificial Intelligence, the Internet-of-Things and Similar Technologies

Child Marriage

Vivian Hamilton
Child Marriage

Civil Procedure

Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Federal Appellate Procedure
Civil Procedure

Evan J. Criddle
Civil Procedure

Michael Steven Green
Civil Procedure

Vivian E. Hamilton
Civil Procedure

A. Benjamin Spencer
Civil Procedure
Complex Litigation & Class Actions

Civil Rights Law

Kami N. Chavis
Civil Rights Law

Neal E. Devins
Civil Rights Law

Davison M. Douglas
Civil Rights Law

Allison Orr Larsen
Civil Rights Law

Timothy Zick
Civil Rights Law

Commercial Law

Nathan B. Oman

Comparative and Foreign Law

Christie S. Warren
Laws of Other Countries
Comparative Legal Systems and Processes

Constitutional Law

Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Federal Courts

Neal E. Devins
Constitutional Law

Davison M. Douglas
Constitutional Law

Michael Steven Green
Federal Courts
Second Amendment

Margaret Hu
Constitutional Law

Eric A. Kades
Eminent Domain (Takings)

Allison Orr Larsen
Constitutional Law
Fourteenth Amendment

James Y. Stern
Constitutional Law
Takings (Eminent Domain) and Due Process

Timothy Zick
Constitutional Law
First Amendment

Constitutional Law (Non-U.S.)

Christie S. Warren
Comparative Constitutional Systems
Post-Conflict Constitutional Processes

Contract Law

Nathan B. Oman
Contract Law

Corporate Law

Eric A. Kades
Corporate Law

Alan J. Meese
Corporate Law

Nathan B. Oman
Corporate Law

Criminal Law

Jeffrey Bellin
Criminal Justice
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure

Kami N. Chavis
Criminal Justice
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Policing & Police Accountability

Nancy Combs
Criminal Law
International Criminal Law

Adam M. Gershowitz
Capital Punishment
Criminal Justice
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure

Laura R. Killinger
Criminal Law
Jury Selection
Trials in Criminal Cases

Fredric I. Lederer
Criminal Justice
Criminal Procedure
Military Criminal Law

Cynthia V. Ward
Criminal Justice
Criminal Law
Law and Sexual Violence

Education Law

James Dwyer
Education Law

Vivian E. Hamilton
Education Law

Election Law

Davison M. Douglas
Election Law

Rebecca Green
Election Law

Employment and Labor Law

Erin J. Hendrickson
Employment Law

Robert E. Kaplan
Employment Discrimination
Employment Law


Michael Steven Green
Professional Responsibility

Mason E. Lowe
Professional Responsibility


Jeffrey Bellin

Fredric I. Lederer

Mason E. Lowe

Family Law

James Dwyer
Children and the Law
Family Law

Vivian Hamilton
Children and the Law
Family Law

Fiduciary Law

Evan J. Criddle
Fiduciary Law

Health Law

Stacy Elizabeth Kern-Scheerer
Affordable Care Act
Food and Drug Law
Health Law
Medical Devices

Myrisha S. Lewis
Assisted Reproduction
Health Law

Immigration Law

Evan J. Criddle
Refugee and Asylum Law

Intellectual Property Law

Laura A. Heymann
Copyright Law
Intellectual Property Law
Trademark Law

Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
Intellectual Property Law
International IP Law
Patent Law

James Y. Stern
Intellectual Property Law

International Law

Nancy Combs
Human Rights Law
International Criminal Law
International Humanitarian Law
Transitional Justice

Evan J. Criddle
International Human Rights
International Law
International Law on the Use of Force

International Refugee Law
International Sanctions
Treaty Interpretation

Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec

International Intellectual Property Law
International Trade Law

James Y. Stern

Conflict of Laws

Christie S. Warren
Comparative and Foreign Law
Constitutional Law (Non-U.S.)

International Human Rights Law
Islamic Law/Shari'ah
Post-Conflict Reconstruction and the Rule of Law
Public International Law  

Islamic Law/Shari'ah

Christie S. Warren
Islamic Constitutional Law
Islamic Criminal Law
Schools of Islam

Women and Islamic Law

Judicial Confirmation Process

Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Judicial Confirmation Process

Judicial Decision Making

Neal E. Devins
Judicial Decision Making

Allison Orr Larsen
Judicial Decision Making

Land Use Law

Eric A. Kades
Land Use Law

Law and Economics


Eric A. Kades
Law and Economics

Alan J. Meese
Law and Economics

Nathan B. Oman
Law and Economics

James Y. Stern
Law and Economics

Law and Inequality

Eric A. Kades
Law and Inequality

Law and Psychology

Cynthia V. Ward
Law and Psychology

Legal Education

Robert E. Kaplan
Experiential Learning

Christie S. Warren
Experiential Learning
Summer International Internships

A. Benjamin Spencer
Legal Education

Legal Employment

Michael J. Ende
Law Student and Graduate Employment

Robert E. Kaplan
Law Student and Graduate Employment

Legal History

Davison M. Douglas
Legal History

Thomas J. McSweeney
Legal History

Legal Writing

Anna Perez Chason
Legal Writing

Jennifer R. Franklin
Legal Writing

Erin J. Hendrickson
Legal Writing

Robert E. Kaplan
Legal Writing

Stacy Elizabeth Kern-Scheerer
Legal Writing

Laura R. Killinger
Legal Writing

Mason E. Lowe
Legal Writing

Steven E. Miskinis
Legal Writing

Legislative Process

Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Federal Legislation
Theory of Statutory Interpretation

Anna Perez Chason
Legislative Process

Stacy Elizabeth Kern-Scheerer
Federal Legislation
Legislative Drafting
United States Senate Procedure

Allison Orr Larsen
Federal Legislation
Statutory Interpretation


Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Federal Appellate Procedure

Jeffrey Bellin

Fredric I. Lederer
Trial Practice

Mason E. Lowe

A. Benjamin Spencer

National Security Law

Evan J. Criddle

National Security Law

Margaret Hu
National Security

Negotiation Law

Cynthia V. Ward
Negotiation for Lawyers

Philosophy and Law

James Dwyer
Political Philosophy

Michael S. Green
Legal Philosophy

Post-Conflict Reconstruction and the Rule of Law

Christie S. Warren
Post-Conflict Reconstruction and the Rule of Law

Privacy Law

Rebecca Green
Privacy Law

Margaret Hu
Cybersecurity and Privacy Law

Property Law

Eric A. Kades
Land Use Law
Property Law

James Y. Stern
Property Law

Religion and Law

Davison M. Douglas
Religion and Law

James Dwyer
First Amendment
Religion and Schools

Nathan B. Oman
Religion and Law

Christie S. Warren
Islamic Law

Timothy Zick
First Amendment
Religion and Law


State and Local Government

Katherine Mims Crocker
State and Local Government

Statistics and Law

Eric A. Kades
Statistics and Law

Sarah L. Stafford
Statistics and Law

Supreme Court

Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl
Supreme Court

Katherine Mims Crocker
Supreme Court

Neal E. Devins
Supreme Court

Allison Orr Larsen
Supreme Court

Alan J. Meese
Supreme Court

James Y. Stern
Supreme Court

Timothy Zick
Supreme Court


Eric D. Chason
Employee Benefits
Federal Income Taxation

Technology Law

Jeffrey Bellin
Electronic Evidence

Laura A. Heymann
Internet Law

Fredric I. Lederer
Courtroom Technology
Electronic Discovery
Electronic Evidence

Tort Law

Laura A. Heymann
Tort Law

Eric A. Kades
Tort Law

Alan J. Meese
Tort Law

Steven E. Miskinis
Tort Law

Sarah R. Wasserman Rajec
Tort Law

James Y. Stern
Product Liability Law
Tort Law

Trusts and Estates

Eric D. Chason
Trusts and Estates

James Dwyer
Virginia Wills, Trusts and Estates

Thomas J. McSweeney

Trusts and Estates

Jennifer S. Stevenson

Trusts and Estates

Veterans' Benefits Law

Caleb Stone
Advocacy for Veterans
Appeals of Veteran Cases in the Courts
VA Claim System
VA Reform Efforts
Veterans' Benefits Law

Michael E. Dick
Veterans' Benefits Law

Virginia Appellate Procedure

Jennifer R. Franklin
Haebeas Corpus
Virginia Appellate Procedure