Law and Economics Published Papers

To navigate to an author's published papers click their name below

Jayne Barnard Lynda Butler Eric Chason Kevin S. Haeberle Eric Kades Alan Meese Nathan Oman Sarah Wasserman Rajec Sarah Stafford

Jayne Barnard

James Cutler Professor of Law Emerita

Lynda Butler

Chancellor Professor of Law, Director, William & Mary Property Rights Project and Co-Chair, President's Committee on Sustainability

Eric Chason
Associate Professor of Law

Kevin S. Haeberle

Professor of Law; Fellow, Center for the Study of Law and Markets

Eric Kades

Thomas Jefferson Professor of Law

Alan Meese
Ball Professor of Law and Tazewell Taylor Research Professor of Law

Nathan Oman
Professor of Law

Sarah Wasserman Rajec

Professor of Law

Sarah L. Stafford

Director of the William & Mary Program in Public Policy, Paul R. Verkuil Term Distinguished Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics and Law