W&M Law Faculty and Staff

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Services

We will obtain books and other physical materials from lending libraries for your research needs, and we can also provide you with scans of journal articles, book chapters, newspapers, and so on. To initiate a request, use our online request form, or contact lawill@wm.edu, your Library Liaison (full-time faculty only), or your RA who can submit a request for you.

Physical materials are subject to varying delivery times depending primarily on the location of the lender, but we source our ILLs from nearby libraries whenever possible. Many items can be received and in your hands within 48-72 hours. When a physical item arrives, we will put it in your mailbox or notify your RA, depending on the preference indicated when the request was initiated.  (Staff members will be contacted by email and can pick materials up outside the ILL office.)  If the request is a copy/scan, you will be notified by email with a link to download the material.

The copyright law of the United States governs the making of reproductions of copyrighted materials. Before requesting an ILL, please read and understand these copyright restrictions.

Law Library Digital Document Delivery

We will scan items from our collection for Law faculty and staff on demand, subject to copyright laws and guidelines. Request scans through your Library Liaison if you have one.

Swem and Other W&M Libraries' Materials
Physical Items
Faculty and staff can request physical materials from non-Law libraries at the College in three ways:
  • Log into our catalog using your W&M username and password, find the record for the item that you want, and click on "Request" under Find or Request,
  • Use our ILL/Swem request form, or
  • Contact your Library Liaison if you have one to have a request placed on your behalf.

Regardless of which you choose, materials are normally delivered to your mailbox or office Mondays through Fridays within 24 hours of initiating your request.


Other libraries at W&M will digitize chapters and articles for you. You can initiate a scan request by contacting your Library Liaison if you have one.

ILL/Document Delivery Contact Information

Please direct inquiries to lawill@wm.edu.