William & Mary Law School Recognizes Exceptional Service With Spring Awards

Recognizing Service
Recognizing Service Mike Ende, the Associate Dean of Career Services, and Sherri Donson, supervisor of Starbucks Coffee in the Law School’s Zime Café, have been honored for their outstanding service to the Law School. William & Mary Law School

John Marshall Award – Michael J. Ende

Michael J. Ende has been honored with the John Marshall Award. Given annually at the end of spring semester, the award recognizes a faculty or staff member who has demonstrated “character, leadership and a spirit of selfless service to the Law School community.”

Ende is the Associate Dean of Career Services at the Law School. Prior to joining William & Mary in August 2013, he was a partner with the law firm of Cullen and Dykman, LLP, in Garden City, N.Y., after which he served for nearly six years as the Assistant Dean for Career Services at the Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University.

Commenting on his worthiness for the John Marshall Award, a William & Mary Law faculty member noted that Ende is “laser-focused on jobs and works creatively and tirelessly to help students get them. He encourages students when they encounter reversals and celebrates their successes. Everyone here is in his debt.”

A colleague on the administrative staff also noted, “Although placement rates and U.S. News are always in the back of his mind, our students and their success are always at the front. [Mike] goes above and beyond to ensure our students have the tools they need to land the perfect-for-them position. He takes a holistic approach to his work and he’s a great partner to work with.”

The award honors the example of John Marshall (1755-1835), who served as the fourth Chief Justice of the United States. Marshall was among the first students to study law under the tutelage of George Wythe at William & Mary.

Chris Creech Award – Sherri Donson

Sherri Donson is the recipient of the 2020 Chris Creech Award, which is given annually to a deserving member of the Law School staff in recognition of outstanding service and commitment to the Law School. The award is named in honor of former Associate Registrar Chris Creech, who died in 2015.

Donson is the supervisor of Starbucks Coffee in the Law School’s Zime Café. Known to the community as “Miss Sherri,” she came to William & Mary in 2007. Prior to that she worked for five years as a dietary aid at a children’s hospital.

Donson says that when she arrived she knew William & Mary was where she was supposed to be. She enjoys interacting daily with students from across the world and tries to encourage, motivate, care and remind students they’re on this journey together. “I’m going to be the light in between that helps them feel like family away from home,” she says. She also considers the law faculty “like family,” and praises them for “checking on me or cheering me up as well.”

Having known Chris Creech, Donson is honored to accept the award that bears her name. “Thanks for everyone that had a part in me winning this,” she says. “I’m blessed and grateful to be part of the Tribe family.”

During this year’s graduation ceremony, Donson was also co-recipient (with Professor Timothy Zick) of the annual George Wythe Society Award, which recognizes outstanding service to the Law School community and for fidelity to those qualities of character, leadership and selfless service which distinguish George Wythe.

About William & Mary Law School
Thomas Jefferson founded William & Mary Law School in 1779 to train leaders for the new nation. Now in its third century, America’s oldest law school continues its historic mission of educating citizen lawyers who are prepared both to lead and to serve.