Faculty in the News
Elizabeth Andrews
October 26 - The Daily Press talked to VCPC Director Elizabeth Andrews about the October 27 conference to be held at the School of Education, “Defending Our Coasts: Ensuring Military Readiness and Economic Viability as Waters Rise." Read the story.
June 27 - Professor Elizabeth Andrews was quoted about a gathering of national experts from 16 colleges and universities who discussed strategies to address sea level rise and recurrent flooding. Read the article.
November 21 - The Richmond Times-Dispatch quoted Professor Emeritus Jayne Barnard about the experience of fraud victimization in a story about a former assistant football coach at the University of Virginia who was among victims of a $10 million fraud case. A former player was convicted of taking the coach's retirement savings in an investment scheme. Read the story. The story reprinted by the Virginian-Pilot on December 10.
December 14 - USA Today published an opinion essay by Professor Jeffrey Bellin titled "It's Still Too Easy to Push Blacks, Minorities off of Juries." Read the essay.
September 18 - Professor Jeffrey Bellin was quoted by The Virginian-Pilot in an article about outcomes of recent homicide trials in Norfolk. Professor Bellin discussed new difficulties in homicide prosecution as well as the trouble with evaluating prosecutors solely on trial outcomes.
September 10 - Professor Jeffrey Bellin discussed "The Silence Penalty" on the Excited Utterance podcast. Listen here.
September 7 - Professor Jeffrey Bellin discussed the Menendez corruption trial with Robert Mintz of McCarter and English on Bloomberg Radio. Listen here.
July 14 - Professor Jeffrey Bellin and attorney Robert Mintz of McCarter and English discussed the overturn of the corruption conviction of former NY Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Listen to the discussion on Bloomberg Radio with June Grasso.
May 2 - The Marshall Project featured an essay by Professor Jeffrey Bellin titled "The Limits of Prosecutorial Power: There are Criminal Justice Actors More Powerful Than Prosecutors." Read the essay.
January 12 - Professor Jeffrey Bellin was quoted by The Virginian-Pilot story, "Anthony Burfoot's Attorney Asks for a New Trial, Says Jurors Rushed to Judgment." Read the story.
David E. Boelzner
July 2- Professor Patricia Roberts and Professor David Boelzner of the Puller Veterans Benefits Clinic were quoted at length about the VA claims process by the Richmond Times-Dispatch in a story about a local veteran and his struggle to receive disability benefits for service-related PTSD. Read the story ("Richmond-Area Veteran with PTSD Struggles Against VA System to Receive Benefits").
April 21 - Professor David E. Boelzner was also quoted in a story in the Virginian-Pilot regarding a report that high-ranking Norfolk officials engaged in secret discussions about who would become city treasurer, an elected position. Read the story.
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June 5 - United States Law Week (Bloomberg BNA) spoke to Professor Aaron-Andrew Bruhl following the Supreme Court's ruling in Town of Chester v. Laroe Estates, Inc., for a story, "Third Parties Must Have Independent Standing to Intervene." Professor Bruhl had submitted an amicus brief supporting the petitioner. Read the story.
April 21 - Professors Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, Neal Devins, Tara Leigh Grove and Timothy Zick were recognized with 2017 Plumeri Awards, an honor given by the university in recognition of exceptional teaching research and service. Read the announcement.
April 10 - SCOTUSblog took note of an amicus brief authored by Professor Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl and the Appellate and Supreme Court Clinic in the case, Town of Chester v. Laroe Estates. Tillman Breckenridge, a partner at Bailey Glasser, is the clinic’s managing attorney. Read the story.
March 2 - Bloomberg BNA talked to Professor Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl for a three-part series examining the prospects for enactment of federal litigation reform in 2017. Read the story.
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October 20 - Jotwell calls Professor Evan J. Criddle's article "Liberty in Loyalty: A Republican Theory of Fiduciary Law" both "appealing and detailed" and "required reading" in the field. Read the review.
Darryl Cunningham
July 21 & July 26 - The Martinsville, Va., Bulletin quoted Professor Darryl W. Cunningham, managing attorney of the Domestic Violence Clinic, in a series of stories about protecting victims of domestic violence. The series includes the stories titled "Does Virginia Do Enough to Protect Domestic Violence Survivors?" (read the story) and "Would Changes in State Law Help Domestic Abuse Victims" (read the story).
November 2 - Professor Neal Devins's scholarship was cited in a D.C. Court of Appeals dissent (Distrtict of Columbia v. ExxonMobil Oil Corp., No.n14-CV-633, slip op. at 97 n. 40).
August 17 - Professor Neal Devins was quoted in a U.S. Law Week article titled "SCOTUS Opening Day: United States v. United States?" discussing the difficulty of litigation spanning changes of administration.
June 24 - The Boston Globe quoted Professor Neal Devins in an article titled "[Massachusetts Attorney General] Maura Healey's Top Target These Days is Donald Trump." Read the story.
May 21 - The Washington Examiner quoted Professor Neal Devins in the story, "Could Trump Turmoil Affect Justice Kennedy's Retirement Plans?" Read the story.
April 21 - Professors Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, Neal Devins, Tara Leigh Grove and Timothy Zick were recognized with 2017 Plumeri Awards, an honor given by the university in recognition of exceptional teaching research and service. Read the announcement.
April 11 - Reporter Greg Stohr of Bloomberg quoted Professor Neal Devins in the story, "Supreme Court Retirement Talk Focuses on Pivotal Justice Kennedy." Read the story.
April 4 - Professor Neal Devins was quoted in the La Opinión story, "Juez Gorsuch, Nominado a la Corte Suprema, No Tiene un Historial Antiinmigrante." Leer el Artículo.
March 22 - An opinion column in the Washington Post cited an article by Professor Neal Devins and OSU Prof. Larry Baum, forthcoming in the Supreme Court Review, titled "Split Definitive: How Party Polarization Turned the Supreme Court into a Partisan Court." Read the editorial.
March 6 - Professor Neal Devins joined HearSay With Cathy Lewis to discuss news from the Supreme Court and the legal road ahead for the Gavin Grimm case. Listen to the interview (Professor Devins starts around 36:09 of the recording).
February 1 - Professor Neal Devins talked to Bloomberg Law about President Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court. Listen to the audio.
January 31 - Professor Neal Devins and Ohio State Professor of Political Science Lawrence Baum published an essay in Slate titled "Federalist Court." Read the story.
January 21 - Professor Neal Devins was quoted in the USA Today story, "Supreme Court Unlikely to Overturn Abortion Rights Anytime Soon." Read the story.
January 20 - The Cipher Brief published a Q&A with Professor Neal Devins on how much authority a modern president actually has. Read the Q&A.
January 18 - Professor Neal Devins was quoted in the Associated Press story, "North Carolina Business Increasingly Refereed with a Gavel." Read the story.
James Dwyer
August 24 - Professor James Dwyer was interviewed for CRTV with Michelle Malkin. The topic of the segment was "Homeschool Rebels: The Ultimate Resistance Movement."
Spring - Professor Emeritus Alemante Gebre-Selassie was quoted in an article posted at allAfrica.com on April 17 titled “Ethiopia: ‘We Can’t Protest So We Pray – Anguish in Amhara During Ethiopia’s State of Emergency.” Alemante was also quoted in an article posted at Borkena.com on April 3 titled “Ethiopia Extends Emergency as Old Antagonisms Fester.”
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October 12 - Professor Adam Gershowitz was interviewed by the Chronicle for an article about privacy rights of the homeless. Read the article.
October 6 - Professor Adam Gershowitz was quoted by Williamsburg-Yorktown Daily for its article on sobriety checkpoints. Read the article.
October 10 - Professor Adam Gershowitz was interviewed by The Columbian for its article "Court: Homeless Have Privacy Rights." Read the article.
September 27 - Professor Adam Gershowitz was quoted extensively by Southside Daily in an article about DUI checkpoints. Read the story.
July 20 - Professor Adam Gershowitz talked to WAVY-TV 10 about the doctrine of qualified immunity in a story about lawsuits filed against local police departments. Watch the video and read the story, "Legal Liability: Adding up the Costs.
Rebecca Green
December 28 - The New York Times quoted Professor Rebecca Green in a story titled "Virginia Voting Mess Was Never Suppossed to Happen After Bush v. Gore." Read the story.
December 27 - Associated Press quoted Professor Rebecca Green in a story titled "Control of Virginia's House of Delegates Remains Unclear After Contested Race." Read the story.
December 20 - The Wall Street Journal quoted Professor Rebeca Green in a story titled "Virginia House Race Is Tied After Court Ruling: House District 94 Could Be Determined by Drawing Lots." Read the story.
November 15 - Associated Press reporter Matthew Barakat
November 15 - After last year's Redistricting Symposium at the Law School, Professor Rebecca Green, co-director of the Election Law Program, and Dr. Robert Rose, Director of the university's Center for Geospatial Analysis, decided to develop a course that would challenge students to learn districting software to create legislative maps. On November 15, teams comprising undergraduate and law students from William & Mary hosted a public presentation of maps of 11 Virginia House districts they created as their final projects for the new course titled "Legislative Redistricting and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)." Read about the class.
November 10 - Professor Rebecca Green was quoted extensively in an article by the Daily Press covering the recount process in Virginia General Assembly elections. Read the full article.
June 30 - Professor Rebecca Green joined a group of Virginia law professors to file an amicus brief supporting petitioners’ appeal to the Supreme Court of Virginia in Vesilind v. Virginia State Board of Elections. Read the story.
June 14 - Professor Tara Leigh Grove was quoted in a Reuters story about Democratic lawmakers suing President Trump over foreign state payments to businesses. Read the story.
June 5 - Duke Law Professor Marin Levy blogged on Jotwell about forthcoming scholarship in the Vanderbilt Law Review by Professor Tara Leigh Grove. Read Professor Levy's post. The article titled "The Origins (and Fragility) of Judicial Independence" is available on SSRN. Larry Solum's Legal Theory Blog featured the article as its "Download of the Week" on May 13.
April 21 - Professors Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, Neal Devins, Tara Leigh Grove and Timothy Zick were recognized with 2017 Plumeri Awards, an honor given by the university in recognition of exceptional teaching research and service. Read the announcement.
March 24 - Professor Tara Leigh Grove was quoted in the Bloomberg Politics story, "Virginia Judge Tees Up Travel Ban Argument for Top Court." Read the story.
February 11 - Bloomberg Politics quoted Professor Tara Leigh Grove in the story, "Fixing Trump Executive Order’s Legal Problems Is No Easy Task." Read the story.
April 6 - Professor Susan Grover was awarded the Aceto Award, recognizing a College employee who exhibits a commitment to the core values of William & Mary, proven leadership capabilities, and a record of outstanding individual service to the university. Read the story.
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October 30 - Professor Vivian Hamilton was interviewed by the AHA Foundation regaring her research on child marriage. Read the full interview.
September 6 - Professor Vivian Hamilton was quoted by Dayton Daily News on child marriage in Ohio. Her BYU law review article was also cited for the story. Read the story.
August 30 - Professor Vivian Hamilton was quoted by HuffPost on the dangers of child marriage in an article titled "Grown Men Are Exploiting Loopholes in State Laws to Marry Children." Read the story.
July 11 - The Universe, Brigham Young University's student newspaper, cited research by Professor Vivian Hamilton on the social cost of early marriage in an article titled "Utah Lawmaker Revises Bill to Raise Utah Minimum Marriage Age from 15 to 18." Read the story.
June 26 - Professor Vivian Hamilton is among the experts featured on a program titled "U.S. States Seek to End Child Marriage" on Al Jeezera's "The Stream." She appears at about 20:15 into the program. Watch the video.
March 13 - The New York Times interviewed Professor Vivian Hamilton for a story about child marriages in the state of New York. In the story, Professor Hamilton discussed the high rate of divorce among those who marry as teens: Nearly 70 percent of marriages involving those under 18 end in divorce. Read the story.
Stacy Kern-Scheerer
May 14 - At the Law School's Diploma Ceremony, the Class of 2017 honored Professor Stacy Kern-Scheerer with the Walter L. Williams, Jr., Memorial Teaching Award, which is given each year by graduating students to a member of the faculty to recognize outstanding teaching. Read the story.
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October 18 - Professor Allison Orr Larsen's research on amicus briefs cited in an op-ed in the New York Times, "The Supreme Court Justices Need Fact Checkers." Read the op-ed.
October 17 - Professor Allison Orr Larsen was quoted and her research on the Supreme Court's use of amicus briefs was cited by ProPublica in an article discussing fact-checking issues in the Supreme Court. Read the article.
April 13 - Professor Allison Orr Larsen was quoted in a Washington Post story about the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Read the article.
February 1 - Professor Allison Orr Larsen spoke on Hearsay with Cathy Lewis (89.5 FM Norfolk) about Judge Neil Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court. Listen to the segment.
Fredric I. Lederer
November 18 - Bloomberg Law talked to Professor Fredric Lederer, director of the Center for Legal and Court Technology, for a recent story about the use of virtual reality in courtrooms. The story noted that CLCT tested the use of VR evidence in a simulated case in 2002 and produced the first VR court record in 2016. Read the article.
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December 31 - Professor Paul Marcus was quoted in a story by the South Bend Tribune on the Keith Cooper exoneration. Read the story.
November - The AALS News featured a Q&A with Professor Paul Marcus: "Reflecting on the Past, Preparing for the Future of Legal Education." Professor Marcus is president of the Association of American Law Schools. Read the story. Listen to the podcast.
July 21-July 24 - Texas Lawyer, Inside Higher Ed, the Houston Chronicle and Meetings Today (a website for meeting planners) posted stories about a letter by AALS President Paul Marcus to Texas lawmakers that noted that the organization will not hold a 2018 meeting in Texas, or any other meetings in the future, in light of the state's new immigration law and a proposed bill that would restrict bathroom access for transgender students.
July 21 - Professor Paul Marcus, president of the Association of American Law Schools, was quoted in a Texas Monthly article: "Law School Association Ditches Texas Over Immigration, Bathroom Bill." Read the article.
July 18 - Professor Paul Marcus was quoted in a National Law Journal article titled "Law Schools are Losing Smart Applicants. How Do They Lure Them Back?" Professor Marcus discusses an upcoming survey of 3,000 undergraduate students designed to "understand why interest in legal education had been declining . . ." Read the article.
June 22 - The Oregon Supreme Court quoted at length from the article "Does Atkins Make a Difference in Non-Capital Cases?" by Professor Paul Marcus (W&M Bill of Rights Journal, SSRN) in it June 22 opinion in State of Oregon v. Ryan. Read the opinion. Professor Marcus's view in the article was that state and federal judges were incorrect in refusing to apply to non-capital cases the holding of the U.S. Supreme Court in a capital case that those with intellectual disabilities should be seen as less culpable than others and not be subject to a capital charge. The unanimous court in the Oregon case found the defendant’s sentence was unconstitutional because the trial judge in setting the sentence failed to consider evidence of the defendant’s intellectual disability.
May 14 - Professor Paul Marcus was honored with the McGlothlin Award for Exceptional Teaching at the Law School's Diploma Ceremony. The annual award was established in 2016 and is given to two outstanding educators from the Law School and Mason School who have demonstrated sustained commitments to teaching. Read the story.
April 9 - The Virginian-Pilot featured a guest column by Professor Paul Marcus and former Dean of the Georgetown University Law Center, Judith Areen, titled "Law Schools and the Public Good." Read the article.
March - A video of Professor Paul Marcus' Presidential Address to the Association of American Law Schools, titled "Access to Justice," was published in AALS News. Watch the address.
February - Professor Paul Marcus, president of the Association of American Law Schools, was a guest on the NCSC Court Talk podcast. He discussed the continued importance of the study of law, challenges facing legal education today, the role of law schools in providing legal assistance to those in need through clinics and pro bono endeavors, and more. Listen to the podcast.
January 20 - National Jurist has named Professor Paul Marcus to its annual list of the “Most Influential People in Legal Education.” Learn more about this recognition.
January 6 - An AALS press released announced Professor Paul Marcus's induction as President of that organization. Professor Marcus will serve alongside Wendy Collins Perdue, Dean, University of Richmond School of Law, Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, University of California, Irvine School of Law School, and Camille Nelson, Dean, American University Washington College of Law.
January 5 - Professor Paul Marcus was quoted in the National Law Journal story, “Law Students Performed 2.2 Million Pro Bono Hours Last Year." Read the story.
January 3 - Professor Paul Marcus was interviewed by National Law Journal about his goals as incoming AALS President. In the Q&A, Professor Marcus discussed initiatives including the AALS President's Program on Diversity and the "Before the J.D." Project. Read the column.
Mark D. McGarvie
November 28 - Time magazine quoted Visiting Professor Mark D. McGarvie in an article, "The Campaign That Changed How Americans Give to Charity." Read the story. He is a research scholar at the Institute of Bill of Rights Law.
Nathan Oman
November 16 - Professor Kimberly Krawiec of Duke Law School reviewed Professor Oman's book, The Dignity of Commerce, in a post on The Faculty Lounge. Read her post.
August 17 - Professor Nathan B. Oman and Anna-Rose Mathieson of the California Appellate Group LLP wrote a brief signed by 21 scholars of law and Mormon history filed on August 17 in the U.S. Supreme Court attacking President Trump’s ban on immigrants and refugees from six Muslim nations. Read the story.
June 27 - Professor Nathan B. Oman talked about business bankruptcy proceedings in general, and sales of businesses following bankruptcies, in a story in WYDaily.com titled "Going for Broke: How a Williamsburg Golf Club Went Bust and Came Back." Read the story.
April 20 - A group of 19 scholars of law and religious history, including Professor Nathan B. Oman, filed a brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in State of Hawaii v. Donald J. Trump. Read the scholars' announcement (which links to the brief). News media including the following outlets interviewed Professor Oman for stories. The stories include the April 27 story on Huffington Post.com, "Mormon Scholars Are Reaching Back into Church History to Support Muslims," the April 26 story on CNN.com, "Mormon History Scholars File Court Brief over Trump Travel Ban," read the April 25 story in the Deseret News, "Mormon History Stars in Legal Brief on Trump Travel Ban, read the April 20 story in The Salt Lake Tribune, "Persecution of Early Mormons Underscores Error in U.S. Ban of Muslims, LDS Scholars Argue in Court Brief."
April 9 - George Mason University Economics Professor Don Boudreaux chose an excerpt from Professor Nathan Oman's new book as a Quotation of the Day on the Cafe Hayek blog. Read the excerpt.
February 2 - Professors Nathan Oman and Angela Banks, whose research and teaching concern immigration law and religious freedom, published an op-ed in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Read the editorial.
November 10 - The Reveley Classroom was officially dedicated on November 10 in honor of William & Mary President (and former Law School Dean) Taylor Reveley. The W. Taylor Reveley, III Classroom was made possible by the support of Hunton & Williams, alumni and friends. President Reveley is the John Stewart Bryan Professor of Jurisprudence. Read the story.
May 2 - The UVA Lawyer featured a story about William & Mary President Taylor Reveley titled "The Transformer: Taylor Reveley III (UVA J.D. ’68) Helped Transform William & Mary’s Law School, Then the Entire College." Read the story. President Reveley is the John Stewart Bryan Professor of Jurisprudence.
Januar 9 - Professor Patricia Roberts was quoted for a story by Williamsburg Yorktown Daily covering W&M Law School's "military-friendly" honor. Read the story.
August - Professor Patricia Roberts was among nine women profiled as leaders in the law in a story in the August issue of Virginia Living titled “Beyond the Letter of the Law.”
July 2- Professor Patricia Roberts and Professor David Boelzner of the Puller Veterans Benefits Clinic were quoted at length about the VA claims process by the Richmond Times-Dispatch in a story about a local veteran and his struggle to receive disability benefits for service-related PTSD. Read the story ("Richmond-Area Veteran with PTSD Struggles Against VA System to Receive Benefits").
April 5 - Professor Patricia Roberts was quoted in a William & Mary Alumni Magazine story about Military Mondays, a partnership between the Puller Clinic and Starbucks. Read the story.
February 4 - The ABA Journal quoted Professor Patricia Roberts in the story, "How Lawyers Can Increase Veterans' Access to Legal Services." Read the story.
January 10 - Newsmax.com quoted Professor Patricia Roberts, director of the Puller Clinic, in a story titled "Trump's Plan to Reform the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs." The article also takes note of the recently formed National Law School Veterans Clinic Consortium. Read the story.
November - Professor James Y. Stern's scholarship was mentioned by Justice Gorsuch during oral argument in Byrd v. United States.Read the transcript.
November 30 - Professor William Baude (Chicago) discusses his article with co-author Professor James Y. Stern in Harvard Law Review and its relation to the Carpenter case in the Volokh Conspiracy. Read the post: "Thoughts on Property and Positive Law after the Carpenter Oral Argument."
November 29 - Harvard Law Review article by Professor William Baude (Chicago) and Professor James Y. Stern "pretty clearly shaped Justice Gorsuch's approach" to Carpenter case. Read the post in Concurring Opinions.
November 29 - Jacob Sullum in a column titled "Your Secrets Are Not Safe with Anyone" cited a 2016 Harvard Law Review article by Professor William Baude (Chicago) and Professor James Y. Stern. Read the column. Read the law review article on SSRN.
December 13 - Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky cited and discussed a 2011 article by Professor Timothy Zick, "The First Amendment in Transborder Perspective" (SSRN), in a column. Read the column titled "Losing Faith in Free Speech Has Consequences."
November 20 - U.S. News & World Report featured an opinion by Professor Timothy Zick titled "Protests in peril: The prosecution of inauguration day protesters is a chilling assault on free speech." Read the essay.
September 26 - Professor Timothy Zick's opinion piece "What Trump Misses About Free Speech" was featured in U.S. News & World Report.
May 31 - Professor Timothy Zick talked about free speech with host Jimmy Barrett in the wake of the attack on a commuter train in Portland, Oregon (Newsradio 1140 WRVA, requires login).
April 21 - Professors Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, Neal Devins, Tara Leigh Grove and Timothy Zick were recognized with 2017 Plumeri Awards, an honor given by the university in recognition of exceptional teaching research and service. Read the announcement.
March 9 - Professor Timothy Zick was quoted in the Virgininian-Pilot for a story about the free speech implications of an offensive viral video. Read the story.
January 23 - Professor Timothy Zick spoke with Bloomberg Law about proposed bills in five U.S. states regarding public protest. Listen to the broadcast.