Student International Law Papers
Brooks, Tyler Convention-less Care: A Comparative Analysis of the 1951 Refugee Convention's Impact on Indian & American Law
Bunting Eubanks, Lindsay The Boundaries of Religious Liberty in Islamic Law
Crimmins, Charles J. A Common Flaw: The Retention of State Sovereignty in the Articles of Confederation and the Charter of the United Nations
Gucciardo, Nicholas A Property Law Comparison — Non-Western Approaches to Real Property Registration Law
King, Shanda L The Role Of Political Parties In Democratization: The Cases Of Turkey And South Africa
Krauss, Jessica Cultural Heritage in Conflict & Post-Conflict Settings: A Weapon for War & A Tool for Peace
Lazaran, Michelle Defining Child Welfare: Comparative Analysis of Chthonic, Islamic, and Serbian Civil Law
Leroux, Laura Beth A Jus Post Bellum for the U.S. Military: Facilitating the International Legal Debate on Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Macartney, Lillian Cultural Property Protection in the Post-Conflict Period: Exploring the Issue through the Example of the U.S. Experience in Iraq
Manjili, Fahimeh Transitional Justice under Shari-ah
Merrill, Emma Turkish Constitutionalism: Analyzing Turkey's Democratic Deficit Using History, Culture, and Constitutional Theory
Morris, Jennifer A. Rebuilding a Troubled Nation, One Brick at a Time: Cultural Heritage and the Law in Myanmar
Potter, Lilly Criteria for Women and Girls to Marry: Capacity and Consent in Islamic Law
Pruett-Fiederlein, Elena Comparative Perspectives on Restorative Justice in Melanesia, New Zealand, and Iran
Roberts, Travis Emotion, Values, and Religion: The Struggle for Legitimacy in Post-Conflict Arab Spring States
Robertson, Olivia K. Housing, Land, and Property Rights in Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Roman, Becky The Law of Expropriation: A Reflection of the Underlying Social Thought of a Legal System?
Rosen, Nancy Libya: The Struggle of a Hybrid Security Sector During Conflict
Sandler, Rebecca A Constitution Can Protect Fundamental Rights in Times of Emergency: Lessons from India and the Philippines
Sauer, Audrey Paige Duty to Assist: A Comparative Analysis of Talmudic, Islamic, and Chinese Civil Law
Tasneem, Zulekha Healing the Wounds: Addressing Health Needs with a Gender-Responsive Focus During Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Tenaglia, Sean Safeguarding Mali's Future: Applying Theory to Examine Security Failures, Threats, and Opportunities in a Conflict-Affected Nation
Wallice, Anne Natural Resource Ownership and Use Rights Under Civil, Islamic, and Customary Legal Systems
Woodward, Matt Negotiating Land-Use Conflicts: A Survey and Comparison Across Three Systems in Guatemala, India, and China
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