Student International Law Papers

Abramson, Nadia United Nations Peacekeepers Can Do No Wrong: How Blue Helmets Achieved Immunity for Sexual Abuse in Cote D'Ivoire and How to Ensure Accountability in the Future 

Bunting Eubanks, Lindsay The Boundaries of Religious Liberty in Islamic Law

Crimmins, Charles J.  A Common Flaw: The Retention of State Sovereignty in the Articles of Confederation and the Charter of the United Nations

Gucciardo, Nicholas A Property Law Comparison — Non-Western Approaches to Real Property Registration Law

King, Shanda L  The Role Of Political Parties In Democratization: The Cases Of Turkey And South Africa

Krauss, Jessica Cultural Heritage in Conflict & Post-Conflict Settings: A Weapon for War & A Tool for Peace

Laszlo, Joelle  Trials Instead of Tribulations: How Bringing Guantanamo Detainees to Justice in Afghanistan Can Strengthen the Rule of Law and Improve the Greater Post-Conflict Reconstruction Effort

Lazaran, Michelle Defining Child Welfare: Comparative Analysis of Chthonic, Islamic, and Serbian Civil Law

Leroux, Laura Beth  A Jus Post Bellum for the U.S. Military: Facilitating the International Legal Debate on Post-Conflict Reconstruction

Macartney, Lillian Cultural Property Protection in the Post-Conflict Period: Exploring the Issue through the Example of the U.S. Experience in Iraq

Manjili, Fahimeh  Transitional Justice under Shari-ah

Merrill, Emma Turkish Constitutionalism: Analyzing Turkey's Democratic Deficit Using History, Culture, and Constitutional Theory

Morris, Jennifer A. Rebuilding a Troubled Nation, One Brick at a Time: Cultural Heritage and the Law in Myanmar

Potter, Lilly Criteria for Women and Girls to Marry: Capacity and Consent in Islamic Law

Pruett-Fiederlein, Elena Comparative Perspectives on Restorative Justice in Melanesia, New Zealand, and Iran

Rehman, Junayd  Twin Halves of Men: An Examination of the Modern Application of Khula Divorce Proceedings in Accordance to Classical Islamic Law Throughout the Muslim-Majority World

Roberts, Travis  Emotion, Values, and Religion: The Struggle for Legitimacy in Post-Conflict Arab Spring States

Robertson, Olivia K. Housing, Land, and Property Rights in Post-Conflict Reconstruction

Roman, Becky  The Law of Expropriation:  A Reflection of the Underlying Social Thought of a Legal System?

Rosen, Nancy Libya: The Struggle of a Hybrid Security Sector During Conflict

Sandler, Rebecca  A Constitution Can Protect Fundamental Rights in Times of Emergency: Lessons from India and the Philippines

Safa, Omid  In Search of Harmony: The Alternative Dispute Resolution Traditions of Talmudic, Islamic, and Chinese Law

Sauer, Audrey Paige Duty to Assist: A Comparative Analysis of Talmudic, Islamic, and Chinese Civil Law

Saxon, Kyle Safeguarding Substantive Judicial Independence? A Comparative Analysis of Lay Participation in the Judicial Systems of Ghana and Poland

Tasneem, Zulekha Healing the Wounds: Addressing Health Needs with a Gender-Responsive Focus During Post-Conflict Reconstruction

Tenaglia, Sean Safeguarding Mali's Future: Applying Theory to Examine Security Failures, Threats, and Opportunities in a Conflict-Affected Nation

Wallice, Anne Natural Resource Ownership and Use Rights Under Civil, Islamic, and Customary Legal Systems

Woodward, Matt Negotiating Land-Use Conflicts: A Survey and Comparison Across Three Systems in Guatemala, India, and China

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